Errors playing Dolby Atmos encoded MKV's - fixed

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Errors playing Dolby Atmos encoded MKV's - fixed

#1 Post by beat-breaker » Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:19 pm

Been doing some digging around since having issues with Dolby Atmos discs and MKV's....
This issue is now fixed with a beta version of MPC-HC and new LAV filters but the MPC-HC is not released as a stable version yet.

Here's the links you need if you are running MPC-HC/LAV
I just re-installed over the top of the current stable versions and checked Expendables 3 - worked perfectly. --> if you go to the bottom of this thread there is a link to the "nightly build" where you can d/l a version that works with Atmos discs (it doesn't play the atmos info of course, it just ignores it and plays the 5/7.1 True HD) --> lates 0.63 release here.

Hope this helps all those struggling with Atmos encoded discs :-)

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