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Evil Dead (1981) - which title do I select?

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 6:31 am
by Timberflake1983
Hi all,

I'm trying to rip Evil Dead (1981) but I'm not sure which title to select, there's two to chose from and both have 24 chapters. One is 18.6GB and one is 18.7GB but they both have the same runtime, the only difference I can see is the segment map, one shows 3 and the other shows 53.

Anyone know which one is correct?

Re: Evil Dead (1981) - which title do I select?

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 10:35 am
by Radiocomms237
By sheer coincidence I was just looking at buying that set!

According to the DVDCompare website entry...
Both a 1.85:1 and a 1.33:1 (4:3) version are available on the disc. I'd guess one track may be widescreen and the other may be the open matte version?

Re: Evil Dead (1981) - which title do I select?

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:57 pm
by dcoke22
As a side note, if your workflow is:
  • Make a decrypted back-up
  • Make .mkv files from the back-up
In situations like this, it would be easy to either make .mkv files of both choices and look at the ouput…


in the decrypted backup folder, open files /BDMV/STREAM/00003.m2ts and /BDMV/STREAM/00053.m2ts with VLC or whatever and look at the differences.