Isle of Dogs correct .mpls

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Isle of Dogs correct .mpls

#1 Post by myurkoski » Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:47 am

Three options:

Code: Select all

Source file name: 00800.mpls
Duration: 1:41:09
Chapters count: 24
Size: 23.7 GB
Segment count: 75
Segment map: 2886,2887,2888,2889,2890,2891,2893,2894,2895,2896,2898,2899,2900,2901,2902,2903,2904,2905,2906,2907,2908,2909,2910,2911,2912,2913,2915,2916,2917,2918,2919,2920,2921,2922,2923,2924,2925,2926,2927,2928,2929,2930,2931,2932,2933,2934,2935,2936,2937,2938,2939,2940,2941,2942,2943,2944,2945,2946,2947,2948,2949,2950,2951,2952,2953,2954,2956,2957,2958,2959,2960,2961,2962,2963,2965
File name: Isle_of_Dogs_t00.mkv

Code: Select all

Source file name: 00801.mpls
Duration: 1:41:09
Chapters count: 24
Size: 23.7 GB
Segment count: 75
Segment map: 2886,2887,2888,2889,2890,2892,2893,2894,2895,2897,2898,2899,2900,2901,2902,2903,2904,2905,2906,2907,2908,2909,2910,2911,2912,2914,2915,2916,2917,2918,2919,2920,2921,2922,2923,2924,2925,2926,2927,2928,2929,2930,2931,2932,2933,2934,2935,2936,2937,2938,2939,2940,2941,2942,2943,2944,2945,2946,2947,2948,2949,2950,2951,2952,2953,2955,2956,2957,2958,2959,2960,2961,2962,2964,2965
File name: Isle_of_Dogs_t01.mkv

Code: Select all

Source file name: 00802.mpls
Duration: 1:41:09
Chapters count: 24
Size: 23.7 GB
Segment count: 75
Segment map: 2886,2966,2888,2967,2890,2968,2893,2969,2895,2970,2898,2971,2900,2972,2902,2973,2904,2974,2906,2975,2908,2976,2910,2977,2912,2978,2915,2979,2917,2980,2919,2981,2921,2982,2923,2983,2925,2984,2927,2985,2929,2986,2931,2987,2933,2988,2935,2989,2937,2990,2939,2991,2941,2992,2943,2993,2945,2994,2947,2995,2949,2996,2951,2997,2953,2998,2956,2999,2958,3000,2960,3001,2962,3002,2965
File name: Isle_of_Dogs_t02.mkv
Any way to tell which is the one I want? Ever since Arcsoft's bluray player died I cant actually go screen the titles and just see what they are.

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Re: Isle of Dogs correct .mpls

#2 Post by stuckinkodiagain » Wed Jul 18, 2018 4:56 am

It's 00800.mpls.

Posts: 10199
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Re: Isle of Dogs correct .mpls

#3 Post by Woodstock » Wed Jul 18, 2018 1:19 pm

If it's released by Disney, the English version "almost always" has 800 in the file name. The others of similar size will be for French and Spanish, possibly other languages.

The differences are in the opening titles and ending credits; they are replaced by the chosen language.

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Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2018 2:41 am

Re: Isle of Dogs correct .mpls

#4 Post by myurkoski » Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:00 am

I appreciate the feedback. I will keep the "almost always 800" rule of thumb in mind in the future.

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