rippers that grab tv show titles?

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rippers that grab tv show titles?

Post by xifa4 »

So, I just tried ripping my first mkv tv show. sadly, it didn't catch the episode title with the rip, making it double the work.

are there any as fast as mkv that capture the show title, too? DVD fab is a bit too bloated for my tastes and slow.

also, what slim blu ray players work with mkv?
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Re: rippers that grab tv show titles?

Post by Woodstock »

I've found that MakeMKV tends to name things according to what is on the disk. As an example, yesterday it chose "AscendanceOfABookworm S3 D1", which was kind of what I wanted, with spaces in the wrong place. I had to manually change that. MakeMKV chose to use the same for both the disk title and episode title, Other disks, it chooses differently for the two. It's all based on what's on the disk.

In all my years, though, I've never seen a disk that named individual episodes different things. unfortunately, MakeMKV doesn't integrate with other systems to transfer the names automagically...
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