2-3x Faster rips on certain disks.

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2-3x Faster rips on certain disks.

Post by kyojim »

Hey all,

I can't find any documentation online, but has anyone experienced severely different speeds.

I am using an old LG that typically does about 20 MB/s or about 4-5x, yet on some discs, I can hit 50-60MB/s.

Is this a limit that is set on the disc when writing it? If so, why? And is there a bypass? I have found this on some Blu_ray discs and it is really nice to see these speeds, especially considering it is approaching write limits on some drives.

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Re: 2-3x Faster rips on certain disks.

Post by dcoke22 »

It is not a limit set by the author of a disc. It is just the result of the interaction between your optical drive and the disc in question. How clean is the disc, how well was it manufactured, how much has it degraded, how accurate and in tune is the drive, how clean is the laser, etc.

If you have a large quantity of discs and want to rip them faster, MakeMKV can support ripping from more than one optical drive at the same time.
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Re: 2-3x Faster rips on certain disks.

Post by thetoad »

its not always the cleanliness of the disc. some drives will slow down automatcally if they detect the content is encrypted. (libredrive can help with this, but not all drives support libedrive).
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