3:10 to Yuma storyboards on screen

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3:10 to Yuma storyboards on screen

Post by genaldar »

I know this is an old title but recently I went to watch the movie and for some scenes the storyboards are overlaid on the movie (screenshot attached). Think I borked the rip I watched the blu-ray without issue. I then re-ripped it and it again has the issue. Since I prefer MP4 to MKV I use MakeMKV to decrypt the folder and then use Handbrake to make the mp4, but since I haven't had this issue on anything else I've ripped (DVD, Blu-ray, HD DVD or 4k Blu-ray) I don't think it's my process. When I searched the board I saw a few other issues with this movie, but not this. So I'm hoping someone who successfully ripped it can verify that their copy doesn't have this problem. Or if they had this problem how they fixed it.

310 To Yuma (2007).mp4_snapshot_00.02.21.893.jpg
310 To Yuma (2007).mp4_snapshot_00.02.21.893.jpg (236.13 KiB) Viewed 5260 times
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Re: 3:10 to Yuma storyboards on screen

Post by Woodstock »

Discussion about storyboard versions happened recently for Ponyo, which might be relevant here.
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Re: 3:10 to Yuma storyboards on screen

Post by genaldar »

I will read through that, thank you.
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Re: 3:10 to Yuma storyboards on screen

Post by preserve »

I like how the Fifth Element Blu-ray did this, storing the pop-up trivia-type info as a subtitle track. (The later M4K Blu-ray removed the graphical design and used standard subtitle text.)


Toy Story 3 had storyboards that seemed to also be stored as a subtitle track, but unfortunately some of them were non-static video (not sure how that works), and so it didn't work as well: viewtopic.php?t=17089

Assuming Yuma is mastered in a similar way to what is described for Ponyo, it's perhaps how Handbrake is reading the data. Maybe try creating an MKV from the backup with MakeMKV, then use Handbrake to convert MKV to MP4.
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Re: 3:10 to Yuma storyboards on screen

Post by genaldar »

I just deleted the foreign audio scan track in the subtitles tab of hand brake and that did the trick.
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