Track names on DVR BluRay

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Track names on DVR BluRay

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Hello everyone
As it's my first post I'd like to say thanks for that wonderful piece of software, that has the merit to work on my Linux setup. This and Handbrake together have made Mrs. very happy, since now I can store everything she records on our DVR.

I have a tiny issue though. When dubbing the recorded contents from DVR to BluRay, and then playing the BluRay on my TV, the track titles match the contents perfectly. However, when using MakeMKV, I get completely different track names, which got me into some problems as I didn't realize it at first.
After some heavy manual file renaming, I'm now cautious about this issue, but I would like to be able to correct this behavior if possible.
It seems that the name that MakeMKV infers for the track is the one of the previous TV program. As a few seconds are always recorded before the scheduled program starts, perhaps it makes sense, I don't know.

I've been looking for a way to read this title information from the metadata so I can correct it, but I clearly miss basic knowledge about how and where all this stuff is stored.
Basically, could anyone tell me how title is inferred by MakeMKV, and where I should have a look to extract the right value I need to name my files ?
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