MakeMKV not encoding the entire title

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MakeMKV not encoding the entire title

Post by phosphineboy »

Hi all:

I've been using Make MKV for a couple years now, and have been able to troubleshoot all my problems so far, but now I've encountered something that's got me stumped.

About two months ago, MakeMKV stopped encoding BluRay disks correctly. It will open the disk and correctly read the title list. It will even encode most of what I ask (always just the main title track). But, all of a sudden and without warning, it stopped short of encoding the full title. It finishes successfully, according to the log (so there are no errors), one of which is attached. But it just doesn't do the whole track. Upgrading to the current version did not fix the issue.

It does this for all BluRays I've tried (~12 so far), and it stops at the same point on on each individual disk, but that stop point is a different place on each disk (e.g. disk1 always stops 1:21 into the track, and disk2 always stops at 1:34). The video that is ripped is perfect. It just stops too soon. This does not happen with DVDs at all.

I thought perhaps this was a failing drive, but the reproducibility of stopping points and complete success of DVDs seems to make that unlikely. I use an independently-powered external drive on my Mac (10.10.5), and have swapped out the USB cable and moved it to a different physical USB port.

This seems like software, but until I updated MakeMKV, nothing changed, and there were no OS updates within a few weeks of when the issue first cropped up.

I am a paid user, and fairly savvy with all things tech. But this one has me puzzled. Anyone have any ideas? I'd appreciate your help!

Thanks in advance.

Code: Select all

Debug log started at Sat Feb 25 01:32:42 2017 , written by MakeMKV v1.10.4 darwin(x86-release)
Using 524544KB for read cache.
001005:0000 MakeMKV v1.10.4 darwin(x86-release) started
001004:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/xxxxxx/MakeMKV_log_2.txt
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at t:1p"<LnnTowd+-}W{aX:29398760
002010:0000 Optical drive "BD-RE HL-DT-ST BD-RE  BE12LU38 1.00d" opened in OS access mode.
003007:0000 Using direct disc access mode
DEBUG: Code 2147483648 at e`7Z9'Hk'j6QAP|o:121265315
005011:0000 Operation successfully completed
Application exited at Sat Feb 25 04:07:05 2017
Posts: 10415
Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:21 pm

Re: MakeMKV not encoding the entire title

Post by Woodstock »

The log looks like it's just the initial scan of the disk. Do you have the log from opening it (scan for titles) and the rip itself?
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