LG WH10LS30 Doesn't Not Recognize BRay Discs

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LG WH10LS30 Doesn't Not Recognize BRay Discs

Post by NCRobino »

Hello, I have LG WH10LS30. It plays and reads DVDs perfectly. Blu Ray discs however, it doesn't even recognize they are insterted, including in windows explorer.... Make MKV will report scsi errors if I tell it to try and load a BD disc.

Is there a utility that can tell me if the drive has a problem or if it's a configuration issue? I've updated the firmware and the problem persists.

Very frustrating. Thanks for any suggestions!
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Re: LG WH10LS30 Doesn't Not Recognize BRay Discs

Post by PaulCB »

Assuming you are using Windows Vista or later, it usually will be an error with the drive, connection, or driver. There is nothing you should have to do with the drive other than plug it in for it to work correctly. If it plays DVD's fine, then likely it isn't the connection but re-seating it is never a bad idea, or even plugging it in to a different connector on the board. For the driver, it should have been loaded automatically but you can make sure it is being recognized correctly by going into properties or device manager and making sure it is being reported as the correct model. Check that the firmware is the newest also http://www.lg.com/us/support-product/lg-WH10LS30.
If you've done all those things, and don't have any weird utilities installed that do things with the drives, then likely it is just a bad drive.
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