Multiple releases of Star Trek X

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Multiple releases of Star Trek X

Post by Locksmith »

Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place...

People here seem extremely knowledgeable and I was hoping someone might know.

I was sorting my Blu-ray collection and noticed that I had 3 different copies of Star Trek X (The reboot staring Chris Pine).

Originally I thought I must have stupidly purchased 3 copies but when I put the discs into my Blu-ray I noticed they loaded up different with different trailers...!

Trying to figure out what was the difference I put them into my PC to view the disc and they were all different sizes!! lol

After digging around I understand that there are multiple versions due to rental, region, different cuts (studio being greedy)... etc...

Is there any way to determine what version/release of the Blu-ray you have either by disc size or by some CRC or something to scan the disc?

Thank you in advance for helping...! :)
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Re: Multiple releases of Star Trek X

Post by dcoke22 » has a bunch of editions listed for Star Trek (2009).
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Re: Multiple releases of Star Trek X

Post by Locksmith »

Thanks for the quick reply! :D

Back when iTunes first came out, if you placed a CD into your computer, iTunes would be able to recognize the disc and tell you the name of the album and even if it was the UK or International version, ..etc..

I was wondering if there was anything like that for Blu-rays...

Anything to identity the disc like, Rental release, UK release, USA release, Target store exclusive, BestBuy,...etc...
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Re: Multiple releases of Star Trek X

Post by dcoke22 »

I'm not aware of anything like that. iTunes could do that because audio CDs don't have any DRM and the train wreck that is the DMCA doesn't 'protect' them. DVDs, Blu-rays, & UHDs all have DRM.
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