How to get copies of shows I legally own

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How to get copies of shows I legally own

Post by JMBrutovsky »

I have a few Blu Ray disk box sets that have episodes that won't rip. I think that the disks are damaged. I can't tell for sure. I have two disks of "Lost: The Complete Collection" that have two episodes each that will not rip, and I have "Fringe Season 4 Disk 1 that wont let me rip episodes 5 or 6. Does anyone have a way to download a copy of these individual episodes to add to my collection. I'm not asking to steal the episodes, I legally have the Blu Ray disks here on my shelf, they just wont rip. ( I haven't tried them in my living room UHD Blu Ray player yet ) . Or better yet, does anyone know of a way to get replacement Blu Ray disks? The Lost collection was published by Buena Vista ( Disney ) but their warranty exchange program went away in 2016 as far as I can tell. Fringe is a WB title. Can anyone help me there?
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Re: How to get copies of shows I legally own

Post by Woodstock »

I used to use Netflix disk service for that sort of thing, but there is no guarantee that the disks you get from them are any more rippable than what you own... Some disks I had to return multiple times to get a readable one, and sometimes I just gave up. In the end, it wasn't worth it for the frustration, so I canceled my subscription. I'm sure others use Redbox and other rental outlets.

What I have found though is that some disks do not like some drives. I recently received a disk set where one of the disks was scratched, fresh from the package. While I was waiting for the vendor to respond to the problem, I found one of my drives could read the scratched disk without issue.

I assume you've already tried cleaning the disks.
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Re: How to get copies of shows I legally own

Post by JMBrutovsky »

Yes, you are correct. I have already tried to clean the disks. I have found that they will play just fine in my living room UHD blu ray player, but they will not rip on my LG Blu Ray desktop computer drive. I do have the firmware flashed back to 1.02. I've already ripped my UHD disks with that player with no problems, so now I'm wondering if flashing the firmware back to 1.03 would help any. Any one have any ideas. I'm scratching my head on this one because I don't understand why they will play fine in my living room, but will not rip on my desktop. My drive that I am using to rip is a LG WH14NS40.
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Re: How to get copies of shows I legally own

Post by VarHD »

JMBrutovsky wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:55 pm
I'm scratching my head on this one because I don't understand why they will play fine in my living room, but will not rip on my desktop.
When a movie is played back on a "normal" player and the drive can't read some tiny part of it - it will skip it. You may either not even notice it or see some tiny "artefact" somewhere, depending of how much of it is unreadable. However, if you're ripping a disc, the drive must read all the data exactly. If even one single bit of information is unclear, it will not skip it, it will try to re-read it multiple times and if it fails, it'll stop the process.

That's one reason why a disc may seem just fine and play on a stand-alone Blu-ray player, but can't be ripped. Another reason can be very simple - maybe your player is just better than the drive in your PC.

Either way, you could try changing the firmware. I had a situation once where my drive would just stop reading all Blu-ray discs one day, I thought it just died, but before buying the next one, I changed the firmware and it revived itself. Now it works fine to this day.
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