Sometimes MakeMKV doesn't find English Descriptive Audio track

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Sometimes MakeMKV doesn't find English Descriptive Audio track

Post by TangoWhiskey »

The disc I'm having this problem with at the moment is Ant-Man and the Wasp, but I've had it with other discs that have an English audio descriptive track as well. Sometimes, the program does not add this track to the .mkv file. Am I doing something wrong? Is there some way I can fix this?

My wife is blind, so it is important to us that I have these tracks available for her.
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Re: Sometimes MakeMKV doesn't find English Descriptive Audio track

Post by Woodstock »

MakeMKV uses a "default rule" to select audio. Usually, people complain that the default rule selects the descriptive track instead of the "normal" tracks.

You can change that rule to deal with things like this, where a track you want might be ignored. But you must first enter "Expert mode" (Preferences->General, check the box next to "Expert mode") to do it. This gives you access to the Advanced tab, which allows you to change the default rule, as well as profiles which you can change the rules in.

My normal rule is to select all audio tracks, because I will use handbrake later to sort out the ones I want. My rule is:

Code: Select all

It is actually more complex than it has to be to get "all audio/subtitle tracks", but it works for me.
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Re: Sometimes MakeMKV doesn't find English Descriptive Audio track

Post by TangoWhiskey »

Thanks for the input. I actually figured it out after I posted. When you open the disc in MakeMKV, you can use the drop-down menus on the titles to select the audio tracks you want to include.
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Re: Sometimes MakeMKV doesn't find English Descriptive Audio track

Post by Chetwood »

The problem here is similar to the subtitle problem: descriptive audio tracks aren't properly flagged by the authors of the BDs. And since sometimes the descriptive track has the same properties deselecting tracks of lower quality (say 5.1 instead of 7.1) won't help. Your best bet is to rip all tracks and remux with MKVToolnix (or encode with Handbrake).
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