Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

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Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by Kettykrueger »

I'm having some trouble with some rips where the films stutters - I think it's actually missing frames.

This happens in Plex and also when played locally with VLC.

I've re-ripped one of the affected titles, and it now doesn't skip in the same place - so I don't think it's the disc.

What could cause this? Is there anyway to verify that my other movies are okay, without watching them?

I thought MakeMKV failed if it couldn't read data correctly?

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Re: Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by d00zah »

In the case of VLC, it's likely the player version (& integrated codecs). VLC is easy for those who don't like to fuss, but general opinion overall seems less than favorable.

In the case of Plex, is the server transcoding? & is the hardware up to the task?

If both play the disc fine, ALL MakeMKV does is move the disc contents, otherwise unchanged, to an mkv container. Specific players MAY handle disc vs file playback differently. Try a different player.
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Re: Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by Kettykrueger »

Cheers for the reply.

I probably should clarify that it only occurs two or three times in the movie.

VLC and Plex both stutter at the exact same point, so that leads me to believe that it’s the file, not the players.
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Re: Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by d00zah »

Try cleaning ONE problem disc (regardless of how it looks to the naked eye) & run it through MakeMKV again. See if .mkv playback improves. If so, repeat.
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Re: Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by Kettykrueger »

I just did that! The file seems fine, it doesn't stutter in the same places but I haven't watched it from start to finish.
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Re: Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by d00zah »

You may have just moved the schmutz (technical term) around. Some recommend 50/50 water/isopropyl mix, so just a little dishsoap/warm water & a lint-free cloth... YMMV. MakeMKV (et al) will retry a bad read, but PCs are MUCH less forgiving of read errors than commercial players.
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Re: Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by Kettykrueger »

Would MakeMKV report that it was successful if it had 'schmutz' on the disc?
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Re: Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by d00zah »

I don't know that MakeMKV logs limited retries, even with debug logging enabled, except for the timeouts it reports when it gets tired of waiting & aborts. You can try it (under preferences), but it's been a very long time since I've encountered this sort of issue. Shark007/MPC-BE/MadVR, even on aging HW, serves me well. Your Mileage Clearly Varies.

You could try another disc of the same title?
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Re: Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by Kettykrueger »

So I tried to watch a new rip last night, consistently crashed Plex, VLC, and Blu-Ray Player in the same place every time.

I've done a full back up then ripped the titles I want. The file no longer crashes in the same place - but I'll need to watch the movie start to finish.

When I first ripped it, MakeMKV didn't report any errors.

Not sure what is going on!!

If my drive was faulty, would it still rip successfully?

EDIT: just to add, I've run tests on all my hard drives, they are clean.

In summary: if the hard drives are fine, computer is fine, the drive could be the problem? I'm just surprised they would rip of the drive was bad.
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Re: Missing Frames/Jerky Playback

Post by Kettykrueger »

Still having this issue. Confirmed a few more rips now, all have glitches, some have artifacts with the glitches too.

Tried playing the files with 3 apps, all glitch in the same place.

I just re-ripped my entire collection so could it be the current version of MakeMkV?

I could try an old version but it means rewatching the same films over and over!
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