Error 'OS error - This device does not exist' occurred while

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Error 'OS error - This device does not exist' occurred while

Post by dicegmaebaby »

I'm having issues with some of my Blu-Ray ripping. Most recently I've been trying to rip my Breaking Bad Blu-Ray Collection and when I put in the first disc, MKV was only able to rip the first 3 episodes. Leaving out an episode entirely as well as the remaining 3 items on the disc(bonus footage, special features). So basically it's only ripping 3 out of 7 titles from the disc.
The error is

Error 'OS error - This device does not exist' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00276.m2ts' at offset '0'

that MKV is spitting out. Any idea on how to trouble shoot?
Thanks, A Walter White fan
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Re: Error 'OS error - This device does not exist' occurred w

Post by Woodstock »

Prior to that error, was there a DIFFERENT error?

Device does not exist is at the operating system level, and MakeMKV cannot work around it. A lot of USB-powered external drives have an issue with going off-line if they're spun too fast. Some other drives can go into a retry mode for a read error, and the operating system thinks they're off-line.
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