Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bluray 'No Disc'

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bluray 'No Disc'

Post by Delta31 »

Hi, first post but very happy, long time user of MakeMKV for my Plex setup.

I've done lots of searching but can't find an answer. Recently bought the Last Jedi BluRay from Sky Store. The disc plays great in PS4 but has never been recognised by the LG BH16NS40 internal drive, which still plays everything else I own, albeit the newest BluRay is Dunkirk.

This disc is not marked as UHD but even so I do have the very latest 'hashed keys' file in my user folder.

Is this likely to be a drive issue, a disc issue or some kind of encryption issue? The firmware was on 1.02 A0 until earlier today so I don't think the 'inadvisable upgrade' to 1.03 has caused it.

There are no relevant log or dump files in my user folder, but everything seems to be ticked in preferences.

MakeMKV v.1.12.2 Win64

Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE BH16NS40
Revision: 1.03
Firmware date: 2114-03-26 11:15:
Bus encryption flags: 17
Highest AACS version: 63

Thanks for any help :)
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bluray 'No Disc'

Post by Woodstock »

Since I ripped Last Jedi just a few days ago, it should not be an issue with encryption, but...

If the drive is reporting "no disk", it cannot detect that the disk is there. Have you reset your computer recently? It might help, if it is a hardware issue, because a reset (as in "powered down" or "reset button pressed") will cause the drive and motherboard to renegotiate communications.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bluray 'No Disc'

Post by Delta31 »

Hi, thank you for the quick reply. Yes, that was one of the first things I tried when I first encountered the problem. I received the disc about two weeks ago and it's been like this from the outset. My PC has been rebooted several times since then for various updates (and completely switched off, briefly).

I immediately tried it out in PS4 and it plays fine, but I appreciate error skipping could be at work there.

Could it be a disc version hashed key thing, or is that just for UHD? It's a two disc version marked 'Not For Resale' and came direct from Sky UK after buying the HD download. With that in mind I waited for the latest MKV update, which I installed this morning. No dice though. Now it's bugging me hence the post.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bluray 'No Disc'

Post by Woodstock »

"No disk" is coming in before MakeMKV is involved, usually.

You can test it by inserting the disk when MakeMKV isn't running, and try to access it with Windows. If Explorer tells you to insert a disk while the disk is in the drive, and cleaning the disk with a soft cloth (especially around the hub area) doesn't fix it, you should exchange it for a new one.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bluray 'No Disc'

Post by Delta31 »

Thanks Woodstock,

I appreciate the time taken to reply to what could be repetitive questions.

The Last Jedi still refuses to be recognised by this drive. A brand new copy of Jumanji now also shows as no disc. I was expecting this may be a drive issue of some kind, whether in itself or in the way it's interacting with Windows 10, and would just replace it but...

The thing causing my confusion is that everything else still works in it, all of the other Star Wars discs including Force Awakens, and Dunkirk are fine. All of this is consistently repeatable. Could it be some encryption characteristic of the newer releases causing the issue somehow? We generally buy, rip and only then (could count on one hand) watch discs direct from a player. They all look mint. As per your suggestion, the same thing happens regardless of MakeMKV being loaded or not, and all discs play in a regular player or PS4. I doubt an exchange is viable in UK.

I don't really want to replace the drive unless I have to as it's main use was always ripping lots of CDs and DVDs, which it also still does fine.

Is this symptomatic of a failing drive rather than some encryption or firmware issue? Any other thoughts, from anywhere, before I take the hit?

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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bluray 'No Disc'

Post by Woodstock »

It is theoretically possible to be "new encryption", except that there hasn't been enough time for Jedi to have multiple releases (well, other than "BD", "DVD", and "UHD"), and Last Jedi IS decoding for most people. And Disney is not exactly a distributor that jumps on the latest DRM bandwagon. Heck, they even give us consistent file names for the titles.

I'll know about Jumanji tomorrow.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bluray 'No Disc'

Post by Delta31 »


Did you have any luck with ripping Jumanji?

I've just bought the Greatest Showman and it breezed through the copy, no issues at all despite the interactive content. That has version 65 AACS, the highest I've ripped so far. But still Jumanji and The Last Jedi are both showing as 'No Disc'.

Very, very frustrating.
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Re: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bluray 'No Disc'

Post by Woodstock »

Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle ripped just fine, both BD and UHD.

My actual reason for buying it was to test a drive that I thought MIGHT be able to handle UHD, but it didn't, so I ripped it with my newer LG.
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