Sleeping Beauty

Please post here for issues related to Blu-ray discs
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Sleeping Beauty

Post by Snowman09 »

I am trying to back up my Disney collection so my daughter can enjoy it when we travel (place it on my Ipad), but for some reason Sleeping Beauty causes Makemkv to crash. It is a brand spankin' new. So far, everything else has worked flawlessly. I do not get error logs, otherwise I would post them. It is slightly frustrating that I am unable to figure out why the timer gets all the way to 0 seconds remaining, and then the program just freezes (Not Responding).

I wish I could provide more information to help (I am running the latest version), but this is all I have....

Thank you!
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Re: Sleeping Beauty

Post by Woodstock »

Crashing shouldn't happen, of course. Does the operating system have any log messages related to it?

Disney disks, to my knowledge, have not had onerous copy protection on them. Once you select the correct version for your language, they rip just fine.

At the very end of the rip, that's when MakeMKV usually goes back and removes any empty "forced" subtitle tracks it was creating. Things to try:

On the main title, click on the triangle next to it on the left menu, and look at the available tracks. First try unchecking the "Forced only" subtitle tracks - they'll be empty anyway, and removing them happens right where you say MakeMKV freezes. You could also remove any languages (subtitle and audio) you don't plan to use.

If that does not work, you can download an older version from /download/old/ in case it is a problem with 1.10.6. If the older version works, Mike will want information from you about it, so he can see what got broken (it happens).
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Re: Sleeping Beauty

Post by Snowman09 »

Woodstock wrote:Crashing shouldn't happen, of course. Does the operating system have any log messages related to it? How do I go about checking this?

Disney disks, to my knowledge, have not had onerous copy protection on them. Once you select the correct version for your language, they rip just fine. This has been the case for me, usually no issues.

At the very end of the rip, that's when MakeMKV usually goes back and removes any empty "forced" subtitle tracks it was creating. Never knew that! Things to try:

On the main title, click on the triangle next to it on the left menu, and look at the available tracks. First try unchecking the "Forced only" subtitle tracks - they'll be empty anyway, and removing them happens right where you say MakeMKV freezes. You could also remove any languages (subtitle and audio) you don't plan to use. I tried this and it did not work.

If that does not work, you can download an older version from in case it is a problem with 1.10.6. I tried this, too, and it still crashed the program at the end - even with no subtitles checked. If the older version works, Mike will want information from you about it, so he can see what got broken (it happens).
I guess I received a poor disc?
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Re: Sleeping Beauty

Post by Woodstock »

The chances of a poor disk are higher, but not absolute. As I said, MakeMKV shouldn't lock up or crash, just because the disk has a problem. It is possible that the operating system is what is "busy", but it will look like MakeMKV is stalled, since it's waiting for the operating system to respond.

I assume you have plenty of space on the destination drive for the movie.
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Re: Sleeping Beauty

Post by Snowman09 »

Yup! I have plenty of space on my hard drive (over 700gb).

Please let me know if there is something I should do! This is a small issue, but I am OCD about getting things resolved (computer-related).

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Re: Sleeping Beauty

Post by Woodstock »

Checking for operating system issues depends upon the operating system. Windows has the "Event Viewer", under Control Panel->Administrative Tools, and logs related to applications USUALLY are found in the "Application" section, but sometimes the problem is found in the System area, if it is hardware-related or a problem with a device driver. Look for events at around the time you had the lockup.

The Mac has something similar, and Linux has text-based logs found in /var/log/....
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