Unforgiven 4K ultra 1080pdisc

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Unforgiven 4K ultra 1080pdisc

Post by crockwhitestar »

Tried to rip the new unforgiven 1080p disc and the mov was created with no errors but my media player cannot play it back. It just stops playing immediately.

I've had the happen with many titles including the new Heat (1995) disc

Any idea what causes this issue
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Re: Unforgiven 4K ultra 1080pdisc

Post by Woodstock »

Combined with your issues on the Harry Potter video, it would seem your player does not handle high bit rates well. The first symptom is the video starts to break up, while the audio continues to play. Then they both break up, as the player struggles to read the data.

Without more information, suggestions are limited to, "fix the bandwidth issue".
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Re: Unforgiven 4K ultra 1080pdisc

Post by crockwhitestar »

I have a popcorn hour a400 media player.
Which I thought was one of the better players out there

It normally has no problem playing back Mkv files I make with this program

I can't be the only one who has had this problem

Is there any way to lowered the bit rate of the mkv after the file is made.
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Re: Unforgiven 4K ultra 1080pdisc

Post by Woodstock »

Lowering the bitrate involves re-encoding it with a better codec (like h.264), which requires a program like handbrake (from handbrake.fr) or similar.

Are you playing back on the A400 via wired network, SD card, local hard drive, USB, or flash drive? Since it doesn't come with WiFi capability, it should not be over the air bandwidth issues....
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Re: Unforgiven 4K ultra 1080pdisc

Post by crockwhitestar »

Always a local hard drive connection

So make the mkv then run the mkv through handbrake, would I lose any image quality by doing this ?
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Re: Unforgiven 4K ultra 1080pdisc

Post by Woodstock »

Technically, yes, every time you re-encode digital representations of analog data, you lose some detail. When it was first digitized, even with no compression, the picture was degraded. When it was encoded for disk, it was compressed using a "lossy" method, and lost some detail.

The best any encoder, such as handbrake, can do is encode something that has already been through two lossy encodes, so there will be some degradation. How acceptable that is depends upon you and your settings, which you can experiment with by encoding short sections with the various presets available, and comparing them.

Over on the handbrake forums, you can read about people so obsessed with the detail of how many shades of "almost black" are in the shadows that they probably can't tell you want the movie was about. I don't understand them. :roll:
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