Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

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Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by comporangegt »


been reading the site for a while, finally found a reason to join. After getting movie after movie in from netflix that I was hoping to rip and watch later, I am left completely frustrated. I have ripped nearly my entire privately owned collection of movies and only a few haven't worked. They may be legit scratched discs, though I don't think so.

Apart from the few random ones I couldn't rip of my 300+ collection, I cannot rip anything with fake playlists. I have come on here, verified the correct play list from other posts, match it to mine, every single time I get errors that indicate read errors due to damaged discs. Yet I can turn around and rip disc after disc after disc from my private collection without issue.

I've gotten probably 10 different discs with fake play lists, some over and over trying to copy. Tried copying the correct playlist, incorrect playlist, backup entire disc, etc. onward and it just flat out won't work.

any ideas as to why? At first I thought I had damaged discs, now I don't believe so. These discs work on multiple other blu ray players without glitching. Can play the entire movie with a free blu ray player software via my drive in my desktop and works fine that way.

appreciate any help!
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Re: Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by yorgo »

My general experience, and what I've read elsewhere, is that errors in ripping a disc are nearly always related to a problematic drive (may simply need cleaning), a poorly-manufactured disc, or a dirty or damaged disc. Once the disc has been decrypted (the "tough" part), any issues with what happens afterward are usually disc or drive related. To test on occasion, when I've come across problematic discs, I've tried using alternatives to MakeMKV such as TSMuxer and MKVToolNix, same outcome; no completed output.

Because a disc can play in a standalone player, or even sometimes playback on a PC, doesn't always mean it can be ripped. Nor do I find the issue specifically related to discs with fake playlists.

I've replaced a disc multiple times (ie, more than twice) until I've found one that finally worked. Though I do not advocate what you are doing with Netflix, you may wish to replace the copy you've received with another, see what happens.
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Re: Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by comporangegt »

Well I thought a problematic drive but you can watch the disc with this drive without issue. I can copy the contents of the disc with windows explorer to a folder (forgot to mention this). Makemkv wont do anything with the folder though. 3 discs I personally own wouldn't rip, they had hairline scratches so until I grab another copy I haven't completely ruled those out as damaged.

That said, 10 different discs, only discs with fake playlists, are the only ones I cannot rip. I have yet to be able to rip a single fake playlist disc. None of the movies I personally own and have ripped (over 300) are fake playlist movies. Can try any random playlist, default checkmarks or not, whole disc backup. Literally nothing works. Over 300 movies ripped I'd be surprised if it was my drive. Something isn't playing nice with Makemkv and my drive and these discs and since I can use another program to watch the disc and copy the contents via windows explorer I believe it has to be with Makemkv. I just have no idea where to start. One movie I was going to buy but since I can't rip the movie I don't have interest in purchasing it because I put all my stuff on Plex.
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Re: Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by Woodstock »

You might want to go to /download/old/ and pick up version 1.9.10, which does not have the new code Mike put in to try to find the real title on Lionsgate (and other) disks. If that works (lets you rip, although you don't know if you got the right title), then it is a problem with the new code.

Do you have Java runtime installed on your computer?
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Re: Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by comporangegt »

If that is the previous version that was out, it did it with that as well. I didn't do 10 discs back to back. Been over the course of about 2 months or so. So the drive would have a problem with the disc, try a few different ways, clean the disc, send it back having given up and continue to rip more movies without problem. So definitely isn't the latest code.

I do have Java runtime installed. Would assume the latest version since it isn't hounding me to update and Windows is up to date, but I'd have to check. This is on a Windows 7 ultimate 64 but install.
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Re: Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by yorgo »

comporangegt wrote:Well I thought a problematic drive but you can watch the disc with this drive without issue. I can copy the contents of the disc with windows explorer to a folder (forgot to mention this). Makemkv wont do anything with the folder though. 3 discs I personally own wouldn't rip, they had hairline scratches so until I grab another copy I haven't completely ruled those out as damaged.
Again, playback and ripping may be handled differently.

By "copy the contents of the disc", do you mean the individual .m2ts files? If yes, MakeMKV will not process an .m2ts file into a .mkv container; it doesn't even "see" the .m2ts file.

I've had no issues with ripping discs with fake playlists with 1.10.1 or earlier versions, however, full disclosure, I do use AnyDVD for decrypting most of the time. Not sure that has any bearing here.
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Re: Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by comporangegt »

It still is weird to me that for the most part the only discs I legit have trouble with are fake playlist discs.

Yes I can dump the entire contents of the disc and I know Makemkv won't do anything with that. If I can dump the entire contents of the disc without error, Makemkv should be able to do so as well?

I could give Anydvd a try, just seems like the posts I see for fake playlist discs people can rip any playlist they want and it will rip, just may not be correct, without any additional software.

I'd hate to drop another $60 plus into another drive to find it doesn't fix my issue. No way I could warranty this drive, it works on anything else. Found another 3 movie series I want to buy, but 2 of the 3 discs don't work(don't have the 3rd yet, it's going to take a few days to be avail). Have the same problem. So mark that as 12 now. Currently copying another movie I own and just finished one before that.

The series is the divergent series. First and second movie disc look flawless. No scratches or anything. Simply won't copy anything. I just don't get it...
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Re: Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by Cheyenne »

MakeMKV couldn't decode Redbox "Onward" disc feature.

As with most Disney Blu-Rays, the disk had three full versions of the feature, and a smattering of special features. It did not have the thousands of playlists that a Lionsgate feature would have had.

The 'bonus' features came off without a hitch. All three features at some point (usually towards the end of decoding the feature, damnit) would go into 'bad read' mode, and eventually give up.

The disc had three very neatly made 'scratches'. they were so narrow that they were almost invisible. I suspect they were laser etched to damage very specific segments of the disc. None of the scratches extended more than 30º or so around the disc. It was rented on the day of release, so presumably was a virgin disc (or nearly so).

I was amazed that the disk would play on one of my BluRay players, as none of them will normally even mount discs that MakeMKV has trouble reading (read 'Lionsgate'). The Blu-Ray player somehow is able to navigate around these bad sectors on the disc without a glitch.
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Re: Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by buzzsaw »

I know this is an old thread, but the most recent post reminds me of the game Amnesia for Apple ][. Way back when, I hacked the copy protection to find out that the disc intentionally had been produced with bad sectors. The protection scheme would use a subroutine to systemically load various sectors on the disc; sometimes it expected to get a read error (i.e. an original disc) and sometimes it would pick needed data to run the program. I could literally clone the disc bit by bit, but the cloned disc wouldn't play because it didn't have the intentional defects. No Read errors meant it was a copy.
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Re: Cannot rip any fake playlist blu ray discs

Post by Woodstock »

We have a topic on Manufacturing Defects as Protection? about things like that. I remember laser-damaged floppies for master disks...
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