If someone succeeds in obtaining a playable file, say film.mkv, would that person be so kind as to create snapshots every 10 minutes via a command like:
Code: Select all
mkdir /tmp/SNAPSHOTS ; for ((i=1;i<10;i++)) ; do ffmpeg -ss $((600*$i)) -i film.mkv -vframes 1 -qscale:v 31 /tmp/SNAPSHOTS/test_0$i.jpg ; done ; for ((i=10;i<30;i++)) ; do ffmpeg -ss $((600*$i)) -i film.mkv -vframes 1 -qscale:v 31 /tmp/SNAPSHOTS/test_$i.jpg ; done
I'll be happy to do this for Moonlight (assuming my order is correct) if someone would please advise me where to upload the JPEGs. (Can they be attached to a post on this message board?)