Many thanks, as I felt like a dork asking.
Meanwhile, I've done my due diligence and scoured the Interwebz for more enlightenment on all things .mpls, and have since (re)discovered things like Process Monitor (procmon); using it to find 'real' playlists; the value of having a good player like VLC installed (although most tutorials seem to prefer PowerDVD for some reason?); backing up BD discs to HD in order to create/view/edit BDMV folders, etc.
Kind of a steep learning curve for the average Joe, no question, but I will immerse myself further. Just was about to throw in the towel, or wouldn't have posted my whine earlier, lol.
While we're here... what series of button presses would I do in MakeMKV to "backup" the entirety of a BD to HD, anyway? (I'm assuming one begins by inserting the disc, and maybe turning off "Skip if shorter than ___" by setting that to '0', but the actual workflow doesn't spring to mind. Yet it's often mentioned so cavalierly in the Forum.)
Again, thanks(!) from this old-timer. Back when we watched everything on VHS and were happy to pay Blockbuster the extra $1 "rewind" fee!