More information would be helpful, starting with the debugging information that MakeMKV can output.... See the link in my signature for how to enable it, and post the results here.
Makemkv will onot save a log file - even following oyur instructions. I'm using version 1.8.
Copied text from the program (less repeats to reduce characters for post):
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702507008, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702507008, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702513152, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702513152, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702513152, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702519296, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702519296, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702519296, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702525440, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702525440, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4702531584, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700958720, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700958720, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700964864, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700964864, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700971008, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700977152, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700977152, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700977152, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700983296, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700983296, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700989440, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700989440, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4700995584, attempting to work around
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4701001728, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4701001728, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4701014016, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4701020160, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4701020160, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4701020160, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4701020160, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4701026304, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 0 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:29394574
The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00110.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 4701026304, attempting to work around
DEBUG: Code 39 at lj^jzws<Rp!qx54Y.!:S:121264165
DEBUG: Code 0 at a@.8T')HOvTQ SNc}u*O:213130743
DEBUG: Code 2295441 at a@.8T')HOvTQ SNc}u*O:29393332
DEBUG: Code 0 at e+!PDn"":im09l/RAaww*:213134584
LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
Failed to save title 0 to file I:/Movie backup temp folder/Snow White and the Huntsman (HD)/Snow_White_and_the_Huntsman_t00.mkv
0 titles saved, 1 failed
One of the great fallacies of optical media is that it is reliable... it isn't. Hardware players are programmed to ignore bad sectors, but a rip is trying to make a bit-for-bit copy of the file, so errors that can't be corrected using redundant information on the disk are flagged.