Just a quick comment on the list created, I too have been ripping the Friends Bluray disks and it seems that the disks contain multiple of the same episode. From what I seen on Season 3 disk, the large files towards the end of the disk have all the episodes, albeit, not in 100% correct order. The ones at the beginning of the disk, as listed in this thread, are slightly smaller files. I believe it may have to do with the audio formats.
Just a heads up, for the OCD folks among us
I know this is an older thread, but thank you to all who contributed. Saved me a lot of time! Still ripping them, but it is going a lot quicker since I found this thread.
I bought the blueray set recently and had a different ordering of the files. I've updated the dictionary.txt and I also updated the rename.py script to perform validation (to make sure the files you have are the same as the dictionary expects).
FYI... You have S08E09 named incorrectly. You have "The One With the Runner" and it should be "The One With the Rumor".
This thread is awesome, but I had a question. I have the Friends Complete Series on bluray and had no issue with Season 1 or Season 2 following the 0071 and up mpls files.
However, on Season 3 Disc1 or in this case Disc 5 of the series it's missing a couple of episodes. I went to use the resources posted here:
I'm only showing 10 episodes on the disc instead of 12. On the above list t17 shows as episode 4 but dvdcompare.net says that episode is 22:49 in length where as t17 is only 22:47. DVDcompare.net was right on the rest of the files so is this an error on one or the other?
My disc shows 0071mpls through 0082mpl but missing 0078.
Also, how do you get the numbers, or what are those numbers, appearing after .mkv in the above provided list?
I'd have to pull my original discs out to see what my specific track lists looked like, but everything was fully there for me. I did have to make a couple of minor adjustments on a couple of episodes based on them being combined together into a single file (the last two episodes of Season 09 and Season 10, for example).
I do know that Season 03 has more than 24 episodes, so the number on each disc may differ slightly compared to other seasons.
The numbers at the end represent the file size of each individual file.