Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

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Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by bubbascant »

I have the Asus BW-16D 1HT drive in my Windows 10 computer. I have flashed the drive so that 4K movies will burn, as well as Ultra HD.
LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1959
Firmware type: Patched (microcode access re-enabled)
Firmware version: 3.10
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes

Still, I'll have problems with a variety of Blu Ray discs not completing. They'll play okay in my VLC for the most part as well as the Blu Ray player in my media room. MMKV will see the disc and allow me to check the options such as Audio options, subtitles and so forth, and the ripping process will start. But after some point in time, I'll get the errors showing and the rip fails. I have closed MMKV and also rebooted, and/or turned off and on my computer but that doesn't help. I have carefully thoroughly cleaned the discs in question. Nothing helps. I'll put another Blu Ray movie into the drive and it will rip fine.
I also went to
I updated the keydb.cfg file in the MMKV directory. That also didn't help. Interestingly, I had to update this file a few times before including the UltraHD 4K for Godzilla Minus One so that it would get recognized and would rip the movie. That was successful as the updated file included the movie title. However, that same disc is now not even recognized by MMKV. I just took it out, cleaned it carefully and after a bit, Asus saw the disc but did report errors:

MakeMKV v1.17.8 win(x64-release) started
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading 'BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931' at offset '1048576'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading 'BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931' at offset '65536'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading 'BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931' at offset '65536'
udf: UDF mount: reading in reserve VDS extent
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading 'BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931' at offset '33364967424'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading 'BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931' at offset '33365030912'
udf: node fe/efe failed!
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading 'BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931' at offset '655360'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading 'BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931' at offset '655360'
udf: UDF mount: disc not properly formatted or damaged disc (rootdirs failing)
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading 'BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931' at offset '32768'

I looked at the keydb.cfg file and that movie is listed there so I'm not sure what's up with that. That's baffling.

On some occasions, after cleaning the disc, or just rubbing it with a nice cloth, I can get the disc to rip after MMKV reported errors. But that's not usually the case.
I know certain Blu Ray discs are very protected but the flashing of the Asus and Libre is supposed to allow for most movie discs to rip.
I could try a different drive such as LG but I hope the Asus can suffice.

I appreciate any guidance you can provide. Thank you!
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by dcoke22 »

Errors like this mean the drive is having a hard time correctly reading that spot on the disc.

Code: Select all

Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading 'BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931' at offset '1048576'
If cleaning the disc doesn't help, trying the disc in a different drive might be successful. It is my experience that often, but not always, the same disc in a different drive produces different results.
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by bubbascant »

I've thought about doing a different drive but it would need to be external. Would that matter? What drive would you suggest? LG is the one I see mentioned often. Or Pioneer? If it's handy, do you have a link to the person who will flash these as part of the sale? I flashed my Asus so I'm sure I can do that with a new one. I'm assuming Windows 10 can handle two different drives?

What's concerning is that it seems nearly 75% of the Blu Rays I've been burning in the past few months are failing. The last three I tried today all failed. I have updated MMKV. I updated the keydb.cfg and doing that will sometimes help. Putting in my Sony Blu Ray player in the media room and then coming back to my desktop will sometimes help. I clean the discs carefully and try various methods. I expanded the Read Count retry to 10, and then 15 to see if it helped, but it's a very tricky thing to have them work. I updated the Asus so it would rip 4K and 4K UHD. Interestingly, the 4K UHD movie I got to rip is now not seen by the Asus drive. Perhaps the Asus is going bad or I need to clean the lens? I don't have a tool to do that though.

Perhaps I need to update the flash and/or Libre. Here is what I see when I start MMKV.

Drive Information
OS device name: \Device\CdRom0
Current profile: BD-ROM
Manufacturer: ASUS
Product: BW-16D1HT
Revision: 3.10
Serial number: KLxxxxx
Firmware date: 2119-01-04 10:14
Bus encryption flags: 1F
Highest AACS version: 81

LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1959
Firmware type: Patched (microcode access re-enabled)
Firmware version: 3.10
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes

I'd appreciate the help. It's really frustrating not to mention time consuming. And I also should add that the Blu Rays ripped fine last year for the most part though I did have some that were fussy.

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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by dcoke22 »

Pioneer is considered the best. If you're in North America, Billycar11 is the one to email. If you're not in North America, there are other folks to contact.

You also might consider the Verbatim 43888. That specific model will most likely come with a Pioneer UD04 drive inside it which will work out of the box with MakeMKV. It might come with a LG BU40N, which will have to be flashed, but is still a relatively decent drive. It isn't officially sold in North America, but is generally available elsewhere in the world. You can sometimes find it being sold on Amazon in NA, but not always. The NA model has a different drive inside it and isn't the one you want; the 43888 is the good one.

Billycar11's drives will be better than the 43888, but probably cost more money. Either drive will probably work better than your ASUS has been working lately.

Your drive seems to be flashed fine; I wouldn't mess with it.

Sometimes the LG/ASUS drives behave better after they've been power cycled. If the drive is internal, that would be a complete power off of your computer (not a simple reboot).

Yes, your computer can handle more than one drive. In MakeMKV's preferences, turn on 'Ask for single drive mode' and you can even use both at the same time, each 'locked' to an instance of MakeMKV. I have 4 drives connected to my computer via USB.

Cleaning the lens on your current drive might help, but I think you'd have to carefully take the drive's case off to be able to clean the lenses with a Q-tip soaked in isopropyl alcohol and then dry the lenses with a microfiber towel.
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by bubbascant »

Thank you so much!

Yes, I live in North America (Florida). Do you happen to have the link or his email? I recall seeing that name in the various times I've been on the forum. I'd sure appreciate it. I'd likely get the Pioneer one.

That would be amazing to be able to run MakeMKV with both drives. Wish I'd known that hundreds of ripped movies ago haha.

Thanks so much!
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by d00zah »

bubbascant wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2025 1:08 am
Thank you so much!

Yes, I live in North America (Florida). Do you happen to have the link or his email? I recall seeing that name in the various times I've been on the forum. I'd sure appreciate it. I'd likely get the Pioneer one.

That would be amazing to be able to run MakeMKV with both drives. Wish I'd known that hundreds of ripped movies ago haha.

Thanks so much!

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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by bubbascant »

Thank you SO much. Really appreciate it. Wish me luck!
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by bubbascant »

Do you have any insight on what I'm experiencing related to my post? I have six Blu Ray discs, not 4K, or UHD that I am trying to rip just in the past couple of days. I noticed that they'll play on VLC with the same, and only blu ray drive on my desktop. I would say, at least most of them seem to play fine there. And they'll play on my Sony Blu Ray player in the media room. It almost seems like the recent update to MakeMKV might be affecting things? The Blu Rays range in release dates, meaning they're not necessarily recent releases. It will rip some blu rays but it's more likely they'll fail. And I keep getting the error message - Error ‘Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:READ OF SCRAMBLED SECTOR WITHOUT AUTHENTICATION’ occurred while reading ‘BD-RE ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.10 KLEJ65E5931’ at offset ‘1048576’. But that doesn't happen with each one.

Could it be that the MakeMKV software is the culprit somehow? Perhaps since the update I did not long ago?

Would it make sense to unplug the drive inside the computer and plug it back in to see if that helps? I've ripped hundreds of my Blu Ray discs using MakeMKV with this same Asus drive with the same Libre flash done and didn't have issues. I did have an occasional disc not rip but now it seems like it's just not doing what it should, or did. I did update the Read recount from 5 to 10 (even tried 15) but that didn't help, but that's all.

Any other thoughts? Could it simply be that I need to clean the laser or whatever is inside? I don't have a disc that cleans that or other cleaner.

I'd sure appreciate your thoughts.
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by d00zah »

Optical disc players are designed to ignore errors. You might see some distortion on a problem disc, but it'll play. MakeMKV aims to make a bit-prefect copy of what's on the disc, so one has no bearing on the other.

If you are having problems with a disc (which may appear pristine to the eye), note whether it fails at the same point each time. Clean it with warm water, perhaps a drop of dish soap & pat dry with a lint-free cloth. Is the point of failure the same? If not, clean again. Sometimes it's a bad disc, or disc/drive combination. Try another drive.

Cleaning the drive optics may also help? Some drives (LG) can have issues at the layer-break.

There really is no single answer.
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by bubbascant »

I've tried cleaning in the manner you suggest prior to posting originally. I've not cleaned the drive optics. Is that the laser? Do you know of a product or disc I can purchase that will do that? My drive is Asus. It seems odd that all six discs I am currently trying to rip are failing. I don't notice any specific point where it will fail. Sometimes MakeMKV won't even see the disc and I'll have to resort to cleaning as you suggest, playing in VLC to check the disc (it usually plays okay), playing in media room Sony Blu Ray player, updating keydb.cfg and so forth but nothing seems to be helping. I have had some success with another few blu ray discs but never to the degree where the six I have sitting on my office desk right now are all failing.
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by dcoke22 »

A drive's optics includes the laser.

The person on this forum who seems to me to know the most about cleaning drive optics is Billycar11. I've only seen him mention the cleaning method I spoke of before.
dcoke22 wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:02 pm
Cleaning the lens on your current drive might help, but I think you'd have to carefully take the drive's case off to be able to clean the lenses with a Q-tip soaked in isopropyl alcohol and then dry the lenses with a microfiber towel.
In some drives, like the slimline kind often found in laptops, the optics are exposed when the drive is ejected.
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by bubbascant »

Thank you so much for your reply. Sorry for the late response.

I have been in touch with Billy, who has been awesome, and am likely going to get one of the Pioneer models he has.
In the meantime, or when I exchange the Asus for the new Pioneer, I'll clean the laser (though I should maybe do that now?)
Silly question, but can an internal drive such as the Asus I have work externally after removing? Could a cable connect from it to the USB input on my desktop?

Thank you so much!
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Re: Some Blu Ray discs won't finish ripping

Post by dcoke22 »

Yes. You can get an enclosure that you put the drive into and then connect to your computer via USB.

Some examples that seem to work fairly well:

OWC Mercury Pro
Vantec NexStar DX2
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