Wtachmen Director's cut - failed to open disc

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Wtachmen Director's cut - failed to open disc

Post by thelangs »

I tried to run makemkv on the disk, and I received the error "failed to open disc".. I then tried to create a BACKUP of the disc and this worked just fine. When I tried to convert the backup file, I again get the "failed to open disc" error.

Is this a disc error, if so, why does backup work ?

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Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:28 am

Re: Wtachmen Director's cut - failed to open disc

Post by JasonX »

It's an on-going issue with parsing this particular Blu-ray - and maybe a few others.

Both 1.6.15 and 1.6.16 can read and do a backup to hard drive just fine, but converting to MKV is a problem whether reading from the blu-ray or from hard drive folder. The debug message I get is a timeout of some kind, rather than a disk open failure.

Hopefully mike will get his hands on the blu-ray and figure out where the parsing is failing.
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