Flags of Our Fathers (2-disk edition)

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Flags of Our Fathers (2-disk edition)

Post by TVBanks98 »

I have three physical copies of this movie and none of them are recognized by MakeMKV. They are also not recognized by any other "player" software, so the issue may not be with MakeMKV. When I insert the disk it spins and spins and spins, then MakeMKV says "No Disk Loaded". Same in the other software.

I assume at least one of the three copies I have is "good". Any thoughts on why it does not seem to be recognized on the PC ?? I own many, many disks and this is the only one that I have ever had a problem with.
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Re: Flags of Our Fathers (2-disk edition)

Post by dcoke22 »

Have you tried gently cleaning the disc? As unusual as it sounds, I've occasionally had to clean brand-new, just out of the package discs in order to get my drive to read them.

Do you have a different drive you could try? I have more than one drive and it is not uncommon for the same disc to give different results in a different drive.
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Re: Flags of Our Fathers (2-disk edition)

Post by TVBanks98 »

I have three copies of this movie, and have tried all three on four different drives across three different PCs. Same result on all. I have also tried before and after cleaning.

I think the scenarios I have tried eliminate the likelihood of a manufacturing defect or damaged disk. And this only happens on this one disk out my collection of several thousand, and it happens on all three copies.

It's the strangest thing. It has to be something with the data format on this particular version of this disk.

Really just curious if anyone else has had a similar experience with this one. I'm at a loss.
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