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The Godfather Coppola Restoration Won't load

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 9:04 pm
by homealone
I received The Godfather, The Coppola Restoration for Christmas. I want to rip the discs to my iTunes library.
I have used MakeMKV several times before. The problem is, MakeMKV can't open any of the discs except the bonus features disc, which copied fine. Not only does it not open the disc but crashes the player and sometimes my computer too. Tried another movie, worked fine. I used the latest version, fresh download.

Any body else run across this problem?

Mac Mini Late 2012, OSX Mavericks 10.9.1 Player: Matsushita BD-MLT Uj240AS

Thanks for any Help.

Edit: May have found the problem. Apparently my BD player did not like being connected to a USB hub. One disc is ripping now, will try the others when it's done.

Confirmed, attaching the player directly to the computer resolved the issue. I'll leave this up for a while in case anyone else has a similar problem.