Desperate Housewifes fail
Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2024 7:45 am
I'm trying to backup my DVDs but they keep failing all the time. LibreDrive is active on Verbatin 43888 and I don't get what I'm propably doing wrong. The same setup with an older version of MakeMKV worked without any problem for a long time on my Mac.
Any suggestions what I could try?
Drive Information
OS device name: /dev/rdisk6
Current profile: DVD-ROM
Manufacturer: PIONEER
Product: BD-RW BDR-UD04
Revision: 1.14
Serial number: [redacted]
Firmware date: 2020-06-15
Bus encryption flags: 1B
LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: RS8A10
Firmware name: PIONEER BDR-US04
Firmware type: Original (unpatched)
Firmware version: 1.14
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes
Disc Information
Label: DH10EGT1
Timestamp: 2005-10-24 16:40:08
Protection: CSS/CPPM
Data capacity: 6.81 Gb
Disc type: DVD-ROM
Disc size: 120mm
Maximum read rate: 10.08 Mbps [1x]
Number of layers: 2 (OTP)
MakeMKV v1.17.7 darwin(arm64-release) started
Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/elpunkt/MakeMKV_log.txt
Optical drive "BD-RE PIONEER BD-RW BDR-UD04 1.14 ALDL092563WLd" opened in OS access mode.
Downloading latest SDF to /Users/elpunkt/Library/MakeMKV ...
Using LibreDrive mode (v01.0 id=489CDFD6D392)
Backing up disc into folder "/Users/elpunkt/Movies/backup/DH10EGT1.iso"
DEBUG: Code 0 at hnP%nFLtEbpKS-!OTNDTR7K:121263590
DEBUG: Code 12531 at }mT2_e%/aa^D)js,KHrb:213133250
DEBUG: Code 16842752 at }mT2_e%/aa^D)js,KHrb:121265062
DEBUG: Code 1 at }mT2_e%/aa^D)js,KHrb:29394689
DEBUG: Code 118095996 at hnP%nFLtEbpKS-!OTNDTR7K:29394183
DEBUG: Code 0 at hnP%nFLtEbpKS-!OTNDTR7K:121263590
DEBUG: Code 0 at v;4e85#6/RQkM?:29397104
DEBUG: Code 0 at WsC|cmJ80Jei;}:4-cz%:121266097
DEBUG: Code 233 at VgCTPQaWw7WSpXrVyPjtW1CW:0
Backup failed
Any suggestions what I could try?
Drive Information
OS device name: /dev/rdisk6
Current profile: DVD-ROM
Manufacturer: PIONEER
Product: BD-RW BDR-UD04
Revision: 1.14
Serial number: [redacted]
Firmware date: 2020-06-15
Bus encryption flags: 1B
LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: RS8A10
Firmware name: PIONEER BDR-US04
Firmware type: Original (unpatched)
Firmware version: 1.14
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes
Disc Information
Label: DH10EGT1
Timestamp: 2005-10-24 16:40:08
Protection: CSS/CPPM
Data capacity: 6.81 Gb
Disc type: DVD-ROM
Disc size: 120mm
Maximum read rate: 10.08 Mbps [1x]
Number of layers: 2 (OTP)
MakeMKV v1.17.7 darwin(arm64-release) started
Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/elpunkt/MakeMKV_log.txt
Optical drive "BD-RE PIONEER BD-RW BDR-UD04 1.14 ALDL092563WLd" opened in OS access mode.
Downloading latest SDF to /Users/elpunkt/Library/MakeMKV ...
Using LibreDrive mode (v01.0 id=489CDFD6D392)
Backing up disc into folder "/Users/elpunkt/Movies/backup/DH10EGT1.iso"
DEBUG: Code 0 at hnP%nFLtEbpKS-!OTNDTR7K:121263590
DEBUG: Code 12531 at }mT2_e%/aa^D)js,KHrb:213133250
DEBUG: Code 16842752 at }mT2_e%/aa^D)js,KHrb:121265062
DEBUG: Code 1 at }mT2_e%/aa^D)js,KHrb:29394689
DEBUG: Code 118095996 at hnP%nFLtEbpKS-!OTNDTR7K:29394183
DEBUG: Code 0 at hnP%nFLtEbpKS-!OTNDTR7K:121263590
DEBUG: Code 0 at v;4e85#6/RQkM?:29397104
DEBUG: Code 0 at WsC|cmJ80Jei;}:4-cz%:121266097
DEBUG: Code 233 at VgCTPQaWw7WSpXrVyPjtW1CW:0
Backup failed