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Outputted files via makemkvcon have no audio

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 11:32 pm
by lordlance
I made a little pwsh script to batch remux files (because BatchMKV keeps crashing) and I don't think the script matters except the makemkvcon part which is:

Code: Select all

& $makemkvcon mkv file:"$dvdPath" all "$outputPath" --minlength=600 
After running this code 2 of my 3 DVDs have no audio (I checked via MediaInfo) whereas one does. That is a bit strange. I opened up MakeMKV and one of the DVDs has 2 chapters of which one has a Russian audio and the other English. I would hypothesize that Russian audio gets ignored by default but then why doesn't the English-audio chapter have sound?


MediaInfo of file with both Russian and English chapters:

Re: Outputted files via makemkvcon have no audio

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 5:34 am
by dcoke22
Does your MakeMKV have a preferred language set on the Language tab of MakeMKV's preferences? That might be causing MakeMKV to behave in an unexpected way. What happens if you set the preferred language to none?