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Titles not available for extraction but identified in scan

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 12:47 pm
by yonder
I am trying to extract the fourth title on a DVD containing four episodes.
Here is the scan status returned:
MakeMKV v1.17.6 win(x64-release) démarré
Utilisation du mode d'accès direct au disque
Le titre #1 a été ajouté (8 cellule(s), 0:42:02)
Le titre #2 a une longueur déclarée de 0:42:00 alors que sa vraie longueur est de 0:26:08 - ce doit être un faux titre
Le titre #3 a été ajouté (8 cellule(s), 0:42:00)
Le titre #4 a une longueur déclarée de 0:42:02 alors que sa vraie longueur est de 0:24:55 - ce doit être un faux titre
Opération parfaitement achevée

As you can see, titles #3 and #4 return a false length, 0:26:08 instead of 0:42:00 for #3, and 0:24:55 instead of 0:42:00. I suppose this is a technical trick that allows four episodes to be stored on the limited storage space of a DVD. ... pture2.JPG

I only have two titles available for extraction: title#1 and title#3, those with reliable length info. Titles #2 and #4 and not listed in the titles I can extract.
Is anyone able to tell me if there is a solution to gain access to title #4?

Thank you.

Re: Titles not available for extraction but identified in scan

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:13 am
by yonder
Hi there,
I have solved the issue I came across.
The DVD in question is old. It was covered with a thin grimy thread, running around the edge of the disc. I had to use liquid soap to try and remove it, without scratching the surface. Even after the soap, this thin thread was still somewhat visible. I used my bare thumb to rub the areas very gently.
After all this gentle cleaning, I tried with another less efficient ripping software, and I managed to rip the track off the aging disc. So I figured, I might as well give it another go with MakeMKV; and it finally did the job!