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Need an education if possible

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 7:42 pm
by Bains999
Star Wars DVD (several of them) received from a US vendor on rental.
Used MakeMKV to produce .mkv files.

MakeMKV analysis shows three .MKV files ….
50 chapter(s) 7.1 GB (angle 1)
50 chapter(s) 7.1 GB (angle 2)
50 chapter(s) 7.1 GB (angle 3)

All of the files seem identical.

What is the use/purpose of the various angles?
Which of these should be submitted to HandBrake?

Re: Need an education if possible

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:54 am
by Woodstock
Which language do you want?

The first "angle" should have English as the language of the Titles and Credits chapters. The second and third should be French and Spanish.

This holds true for just about every Disney-distributed DVD title.

Re: Need an education if possible

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 2:34 am
by Bains999
Thank you for taking the time to help. Much appreciated.