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SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fail

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 2:58 pm
by captain
MakeMKV ran for well over 12 hours after getting about 1/5 of the way through Saw 3, which MacTheRipper3.0r14m and Handbrake Version 0.9.4 i386 (2009112300) also fail to rip. If I can't convert this to AppleTV format then I can't watch it. I am getting sick of Sony/Disney. Good thing I bought these at Costco. Return, return, return. Maybe the bastards will learn to stop obstructing fair use, if they get enough returns.

PS: Thanks for all your hard work to enable us to transcode our stuff to our myriad devices! :-)

Re: SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fai

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:23 pm
by captain
Ok, I didn't realize that I was still running .0.2 versions old. I just ensured that MakeMKV 1.6.2 was running (sidenote: I had to manually kill some rogue processes before I could delete the 1.6.0 version and install the new one).

SAW3Unrated still fails, only now MakeMKV just IGNORES the main feature and claims that it can only rip the gorram advertisings!!! :-(

Here is the log:

MakeMKV v1.6.2 darwin(x86-release) started
Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/captain/MakeMKV_log.txt
Using direct disc access mode
Title #0 has length of 6 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #1 has length of 44 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #2 was added (7 cell(s), 0:08:40)
Title #3 has length of 14 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #4 has length of 23 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #5 has length of 9 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Cells 3-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Title #6 was added (2 cell(s), 0:02:00)
Cells 3-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Title #8 has length of 77 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #9 was added (2 cell(s), 0:09:21)
Title #10 was added (2 cell(s), 0:07:54)
Title #11 was added (2 cell(s), 0:09:20)
Title #12 was added (3 cell(s), 0:05:28)
Title #13 has length of 23 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Title #15 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #16 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #17 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #18 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #19 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #20 in broken titleset was skipped
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Title #22 in broken titleset was skipped
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Title #39 in broken titleset was skipped
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Title #51 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #52 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #53 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #54 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #55 in broken titleset was skipped
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Title #57 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #58 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #59 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #60 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #61 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #62 in broken titleset was skipped
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Title #64 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #65 in broken titleset was skipped
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Title #69 in broken titleset was skipped
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Title #71 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #72 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #73 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #74 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #75 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #76 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #77 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #78 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #79 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #80 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #81 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #82 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #83 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #84 in broken titleset was skipped
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Title #86 in broken titleset was skipped
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Title #89 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #90 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #91 in broken titleset was skipped
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Title #93 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #94 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #95 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #96 in broken titleset was skipped
Title #97 in broken titleset was skipped
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Operation successfully completed

Re: SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fai

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:28 pm
by captain
PS: here is the log trying to rip via the Plextor BD USB Model PX-B310U drive.

Well, it looks like it just freezes at.... oh, wait... it's still adding to the log. I'll post more when it freezes again, or finishes.

It looks frozen again, here's what it has created so far:
[awiating more logs, but not hopeful]

PS: I cannot discover ANY way to "set the region code of PX-B310U" I found some windoze utilities online that might do it, but I don't have windoze. Any ideas? Is this the problem ripping this horrible disc?


Re: SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fai

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:07 pm
by crowfax

I've had this problem before. It turned out that there was a tiny amount of damage on the disc that I'd never noticed and it was on the menu system of the disc. When I tried to play the DVD back in my stand alone player, if I let the menu run to the end it would crash right before it was supposed to loop.

Any chance your disc has a similar issue?

Also, good choice of drive, mine has been rock solid so far.

Re: SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fai

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:13 pm
by captain
Well, it's possible, but since I don't have a stand-alone DVD player I can't find out. hrmmm. I ran DVDPlayer, and it forced me to "set the region". I wonder if MakeMKV fails on a drive that hasn't had it's region code set?

Re: SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fai

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 6:19 pm
by captain
Interesting. DVDPlayer is playing the disc! I just tried MacTheRipper on it again, and I get the same error message:

"WARNING! This Disk Is Protected With RipGuard And ARccOS And Has Badly Mastered IFOs. Suggested To Rip Main Feature Only.."

I'll try MakeMKV again, and Handbrake, but it doesn't look like setting the region code did anything to help. I hope it didn't break things.

whaddaya know?! MacTheRipper is acting like it's ripping the "main feature". So maybe I can watch this stupid movie on something other than my little Mac screen after all! :-) (crossing fingers)

I hope my thrash here helps to improve MakeMKV to the point that Sony/Disney/etc. can go suck themselves.

Re: SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fai

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:21 am
by mike admin

Re: SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fai

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:12 pm
by captain
mike admin wrote:Please send IFO files per
I'm not sure what you want here. Do you want me to drag & drop the VOB files from the mounted DVD, and packaged those up? Do you want me to package up the VOB files that MacTheRipper managed to extract in "Main Feature Only" mode? MakeMKV dies on this disk and never produces anything, so I'm not sure how I can help, other than to suggest you get Saw3 and try ripping it. I did post my logfiles above... didn't I?
yeah, here:

I'm happy to help, but not sure what else I can do here. Let me know.


Re: SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fai

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:17 am
by mike admin
All IFO files, not VOB, from the mounted disc.

Re: SAW 3 Unrated Edition (aka Saw III) with ARCcOS epic fai

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:48 pm
by DJRumpy
Mike, did you get those IFO files? Mine also stops at around 1:31:36, although the MKV reports it's length as 1:42:45 give or take a second. Playing the MKV also abruptly stops at exactly the same place.