Region codes keep changing for my PC optical drives
Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 7:55 pm
I have three optical drives, one LG Blu-Ray/DVD RW, one Dell DVDRW, and one Samsung DVD/RW. I started ripping all of my television series and movies to use on an Plex/Unraid media server. I run all three drives, using MakeMKV, at once, to get finished sooner, and was about to purchase the full license of MakeMKV, but now have an issue. I have started having trouble with the drive region codes changing, without prompting me, and without my foreknowledge, and without my approval. I have looked in the forums and not found an answer, other than the onus is on the software user, not the software itself.
I have both Region 1 and Region 2 DVDs of television series and movies. My home BD player is region free, and I was under the impression that MakeMKV doesn't care about region codes...however, I am seeing something to the contrary. I have been ripping my DVDs for several months now, and I have occasionally gotten errors that I could not rip a Region 2 DVD because the Region Code on my device was wrong, so I forced one of my drives to be Region 2, as a work around. This message was rare, as I usually, could rip Region 2 with no issues, using any drive--even on my laptop when I felt like ripping four DVDs at a time.
Now, I have a bigger issue. ALL of my devices, on my desktop and laptop are down to 1 region change. The Samsung drive is back to region 1, which I did not change, nor have I manually changed the other two devices. In the MakeMKV log file, I would see "the Region setting of drive ####### does not match the region of currently inserted disc, trying to work around..." message. I did not know its work-around was to change the region code of my drives.This is going to be very expensive, to replace my three optical drives, every time I swap a region 1 DVD for a region 2 DVD. Had I known that MakeMKV was Region Specific in this way, I would have opted for a better work flow, where each DVD went to its region specific drive. Until I know that this is fixed, I don't feel compelled to buy a license.
I have both Region 1 and Region 2 DVDs of television series and movies. My home BD player is region free, and I was under the impression that MakeMKV doesn't care about region codes...however, I am seeing something to the contrary. I have been ripping my DVDs for several months now, and I have occasionally gotten errors that I could not rip a Region 2 DVD because the Region Code on my device was wrong, so I forced one of my drives to be Region 2, as a work around. This message was rare, as I usually, could rip Region 2 with no issues, using any drive--even on my laptop when I felt like ripping four DVDs at a time.
Now, I have a bigger issue. ALL of my devices, on my desktop and laptop are down to 1 region change. The Samsung drive is back to region 1, which I did not change, nor have I manually changed the other two devices. In the MakeMKV log file, I would see "the Region setting of drive ####### does not match the region of currently inserted disc, trying to work around..." message. I did not know its work-around was to change the region code of my drives.This is going to be very expensive, to replace my three optical drives, every time I swap a region 1 DVD for a region 2 DVD. Had I known that MakeMKV was Region Specific in this way, I would have opted for a better work flow, where each DVD went to its region specific drive. Until I know that this is fixed, I don't feel compelled to buy a license.