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Expendables 3 - proper playlist? US/R1

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:07 pm
by Krawk
Another Lionsgate release with multiple choices to pick from.
As with Escape Plan, none of the choices align with actual playback time, makemkv is reporting a different duration than a real dvd player or the back of the movie cover.
This one has a theatrical and extended one to pick from. The extended edition should be somewhat obvious as there is only one single title that is close to the 131 minutes rated for the EE, that is title 31 with a segment map of 4, 10-28, runtime of 2:12:19.

But for theatrical edition there are 3 to choose from.
Title 1, segment 4, 10-26, 2:06:10
Title 18, segment 2-19, 2:06:08
Title 28, segment 4, 10-27, 2:06:11

Is there an ifo or something I should send to Mike so he can analyze and have MakeMkv download the right info?

Just tried ripping what appears to be the Extended Edition - it takes 20 minutes to rip but with 11 seconds left it fails with a read error. Is it trying to rip data beyond the outer limits of the track?

Re: Expendables 3 - proper playlist? US/R1

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 5:10 pm
by Krawk
Running DvdFab it removes all phony titles.

Running Anydvd, here's the status window, note the highlighted line. Also it too removes the phony titles.

Removing annoying menu clips!
Removed 0 annoying menu clips!
Found & removed structural copy protection!
Found & removed invalid cell pieces!
Found & removed bogus title set(s)!
Found & removed invalid VOBUs!
RCE protection not found.
UDF filesystem patched!
Patched DVD volume label!
Autorun not found on Video DVD.
Removed CSS copy protection!
Found & removed 27 potential bad sector protections!
Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 1!

Re: Expendables 3 - proper playlist? US/R1

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 6:50 pm
by Krawk
<sound of crickets>

I realize dvd might not be mainstream for this program, and I do use it for BD as well.
This title and Escape Plan were never successful rips with MakeMKV. I ended up using a different program. Some people might not be as resourceful as I am so they would be waiting for a response of some sort : /

Re: Expendables 3 - proper playlist? US/R1

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 11:00 am
by 19mo77
Hi guys,

WHERE i can buy dvdFAB
i living in Germany and here u can buy only shit of software. no software ripped my dvds, ONLY maka mkv is great.
but some dvds he doenst ripped and so i surched for other software.

can u help?