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"Parasite" disc - CSS Sectors scanned in bits and pieces

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:08 pm
by Krawk
Anyone know what it means when a disc on initial load takes literally an hour to scan?
The disc is "Parasite" - the program literally takes it in bits and pieces. The CSS Sectors scan portion completely stops, the drive spins back up, it advances another hundred or so, drive spins down, 5 minutes later it spins back up again, reads another hundred sectors, and so on.

Have already looked at the obvious - is the disc clean? Movie was played a very long time ago without any issues. I am always open to a rot issue, but it seems to have no issues when the drive is spinning.

Started out in the Asus Dvd drive.
Just for giggles I tried in the other drive as well, a Pioneer BD Drive.

Am going to see what DvdFab does with it now.

P.S. - Using 1.9.9

Re: "Parasite" disc - CSS Sectors scanned in bits and pieces

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:22 pm
by Krawk
Just used Dvd Fab - when the program went to analyze the disc, the drive spun up to full speed and maintained that speed until the program analyzed title 1, then the program was in ready mode as it awaited my instructions on which title(s) I wanted to rip. Just ripped the title and have verified it is playable, which it is. Dvd Fab suppresses the scanning screen, all you see is that it is analyzing at the end.

If I were to enable logging, do I do so til the disc is done or do I do so until I lose my patience?