Drive Information
OS device name: /dev/sr0
Manufacturer: MATSHITA
Product: DVD-RAM UJ892AS
Revision: 1.21
Timestamp: 2014-09-26 09:10:01
Data capacity: 7.45 Gb
Disc type: DVD-ROM
Disc size: 120mm
Maximum read rate: 10.08 Mbps [1x]
Number of layers: 2 (OTP)
Linuxmint 17.2 Cinnamon 64bit
Linux version 3.16.0-38-generic
ffmepg aac enabled as forum listed procedures.
Debug log started at Sun Nov 8 08:18:27 2015 , written by MakeMKV v1.9.7 linux(x64-release)
Using 524544KB for read cache.
001005:0000 MakeMKV v1.9.7 linux(x64-release) started
001004:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /root/MakeMKV_log.txt
003007:0000 Using direct disc access mode
003002:0000 Calculated BUP offset for VTS #0 does not match one in IFO header.
003002:0000 Calculated BUP offset for VTS #1 does not match one in IFO header.
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at H^$9#=OwiZF)V/P>[:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 8 at J^er/|6mR4;P`Wh|y:29395172
003002:0000 Calculated BUP offset for VTS #8 does not match one in IFO header.
003010:0000 Can't locate a cell for VTS 1 TTN 1 PGCN 0 PGN 0
003028:0000 Title #1 was added (22 cell(s), 2:55:14)
003028:0000 Title #2 was added (1 cell(s), 0:06:08)
003028:0000 Title #3 was added (1 cell(s), 0:02:07)
003025:0000 Title #4 has length of 100 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003028:0000 Title #5 was added (1 cell(s), 0:03:24)
003028:0000 Title #6 was added (1 cell(s), 0:02:54)
003028:0000 Title #7 was added (1 cell(s), 0:02:59)
003028:0000 Title #8 was added (1 cell(s), 0:03:09)
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at CEsqE+48h+oK7J5ypSfcWuZ3:0
005011:0000 Operation successfully completed
005015:0000 Saving 1 titles into directory /home/Desktop/New Folder using profile 'AAC-stereo' from file '/usr/bin/../share/MakeMKV/aac-stereo.mmcp.xml'
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at H^$9#=OwiZF)V/P>[:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at |-h/=]RX*rpSAW}HJ:121262026
FFENC002: option afterburner=1
001002:0020 LIBMKV_TRACE: encoder 'libfdk_aac' not found in ffmpeg/libavcodec library
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at `gKY1=TrOly.Agsq69~0':121265338
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at WxResT`rmTA<U3n]DXo:29394528
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at WxResT`rmTA<U3n]DXo:121262279
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 1 at Axgp8]ITyuQ.G{T{k^:29401106
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at Axgp8]ITyuQ.G{T{k^:121269800
005003:0000 Failed to save title 0 to file /home/Desktop/New Folder/title00.mkv
005004:0080 0 titles saved, 1 failed
005037:0204 Copy complete. 0 titles saved, 1 failed.
005014:0000 Saving 1 titles into directory /home/Desktop/New Folder
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at H^$9#=OwiZF)V/P>[:29393953
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at |-h/=]RX*rpSAW}HJ:121262026
not able to decrypt? error log included.
Re: not able to decrypt? error log included.
Not sure if this is the cause, but:
What happens if you use the default profile to rip, which does not do audio conversions?
What version of ffmpeg did you link against?001002:0020 LIBMKV_TRACE: encoder 'libfdk_aac' not found in ffmpeg/libavcodec library
What happens if you use the default profile to rip, which does not do audio conversions?
MakeMKV Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ about BETA and PERMANENT keys.
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging
FAQ about BETA and PERMANENT keys.
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging