Hotel TV movie from 2003 won't save

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Hotel TV movie from 2003 won't save

Post by nmbugs » Tue Jul 26, 2016 5:20 am

Cannot save the main movie but will save all other tracks/featurettes. I even tried other copies to see if it was a problem with the disk but I keep having the exact same problem. Produced by MGM, not sure if this makes a difference or not.

I have the latest version of MKV, no damage to disk, restarted computer, tried other copies, etc. Any thoughts to the problem? Is it something that can be corrected?

I thank you for your time and help!

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Re: Hotel TV movie from 2003 won't save

Post by Woodstock » Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:05 pm

Some information beyond "it doesn't work" would be helpful. Maybe turn on debug logging, load the disk, and post the log.

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Re: Hotel TV movie from 2003 won't save

Post by nmbugs » Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:19 pm

Woodstock wrote:Some information beyond "it doesn't work" would be helpful. Maybe turn on debug logging, load the disk, and post the log.
Sorry I gave as much info as I knew to give. This is the info that was still in the "status window" (sorry I don't know the correct term):
Saving 1 titles into directory C:/Video/HOTEL
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB' at offset '4044582912'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4044582912'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4044582912'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4044582912'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4044582912'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4044582912'

If this isn't what you are looking for I have debug logging enabled now which I am assuming just saves the session data to a .txt log file but if that assumption is incorrect I will run the session again. Sorry I didn't include this before, I never paid attention to the text in the large window, just the popup that says whether it was saved or not saved due to an error.

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Re: Hotel TV movie from 2003 won't save

Post by nmbugs » Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:37 pm

I just searched the above error and came up with another forum post here that said this problem occurs with external drives. I am not using an external but my laptop is in need of an upgrade soon. I have an HP pavilion g6 with a TS-L633R cdrom drive. I searched for a new driver and there looks like there might be a new one released since Windows 10 which I am considering running even though I have been putting off upgrading my OS. I have been able to save other disks since getting this error for Hotel. Perhaps this will just be one of those disks where something happened in manufacturing, idk.

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Re: Hotel TV movie from 2003 won't save

Post by Woodstock » Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:05 am

If the laptop drive can be disconnected (such as to replace it with an extra battery), try ripping with the laptop plugged in and charging... LT drives are often just USB drive with a different plug.

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Re: Hotel TV movie from 2003 won't save

Post by nmbugs » Thu Jul 28, 2016 1:55 am

Woodstock wrote:If the laptop drive can be disconnected (such as to replace it with an extra battery), try ripping with the laptop plugged in and charging... LT drives are often just USB drive with a different plug.
If it was a problem with the cd drive, wouldn't I have issues with all dvds not just this one? And why can I save the dvd extras but not the feature movie? I think I will try installing makemkv on hubby's computer and try to save it there. If that doesn't work I will just have to admit defeat :(

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Re: Hotel TV movie from 2003 won't save

Post by Woodstock » Thu Jul 28, 2016 2:31 pm

If it's the power problem, it will happen when the disk tries to spin at maximum speed, which generally occurs late in the rip, as you reach the outer section of the disk. Most DVDs are read at much lower speeds.

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