broken manual mode?

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broken manual mode?

#1 Post by ranger671 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:13 pm

Reading the below on the website:

"In a simplest case only title number can be specified - in this case MakeMKV will open title in exactly the same way as it would open it normally, with exception that all fake checks would be disabled. "

Unfortunately, this was not correct. I received the below when attempting to specify "5" as the title to open.

Using LibreDrive mode (v01.0 id=04230933BA0C)
Using direct disc access mode
Open DVD manually : "5"
Fake cells occupy 93% of the title - assuming fake title
Title #5 was added (0 cell(s), 0:00:00)
Failed to open disc

In the end, I did get it to work by specifying 5:1-19 as the data to open manually, but per the docs, I shouldn't have had to specify the chapters per the doc. Either this needs correcting, or if intentional, the docs on the website need updating.

Again, I thank the developers for a wonderful product and look forward to their response.

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