Seinfeld season 9, episode 8 (track 1) Nordic edition

Please post here for issues related to DVD discs
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Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:32 pm

Seinfeld season 9, episode 8 (track 1) Nordic edition

#1 Post by KungAnte » Sat Sep 07, 2019 4:00 pm

Not possible to rip it (all other episodes of Seinfeld worked like a charm).

Have tried two different DVDs, but gets the same error on both.

Is there anything I can provide to help out with solving the issue?


MakeMKV v1.14.5 darwin(x64-release) started
Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/Anders/MakeMKV_log.txt
Optical drive "DVD+R-DL HL-DT-ST DVDRW GS31N TA17d" opened in OS access mode.
Using direct disc access mode
IFO file for VTS #10 is corrupt, VOB file must be scanned. This may take very long time, please be patient.
IFO file for VTS #11 is corrupt, VOB file must be scanned. This may take very long time, please be patient.
IFO file for VTS #12 is corrupt, VOB file must be scanned. This may take very long time, please be patient.
IFO file for VTS #14 is corrupt, VOB file must be scanned. This may take very long time, please be patient.
IFO file for VTS #15 is corrupt, VOB file must be scanned. This may take very long time, please be patient.
IFO file for VTS #16 is corrupt, VOB file must be scanned. This may take very long time, please be patient.
DEBUG: Code 10551303 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:213142496
DEBUG: Code 0 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:121274998
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29394229
CellWalk algorithm failed (structure protection is too tough?), trying CellTrim algorithm
Cells 1-38 were removed from title start
Cells 45-56 were removed from title end
Title #1 was added (6 cell(s), 0:22:46)
Cells 1-10 were removed from title start
Cells 42-53 were removed from title end
Title #2 was added (31 cell(s), 0:22:45)
DEBUG: Code 10551303 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:213142496
DEBUG: Code 0 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:121274998
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29394229
CellWalk algorithm failed (structure protection is too tough?), trying CellTrim algorithm
Cells 1-32 were removed from title start
Cells 39-50 were removed from title end
Title #3 was added (6 cell(s), 0:21:48)
DEBUG: Code 10551303 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:213142496
DEBUG: Code 0 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:121274998
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29394229
CellWalk algorithm failed (structure protection is too tough?), trying CellTrim algorithm
Cells 1-34 were removed from title start
Cells 41-52 were removed from title end
Title #4 was added (6 cell(s), 0:21:49)
DEBUG: Code 10551303 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:213142496
DEBUG: Code 0 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:121274998
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29394229
CellWalk algorithm failed (structure protection is too tough?), trying CellTrim algorithm
Cells 1-36 were removed from title start
Cells 43-54 were removed from title end
Title #5 was added (6 cell(s), 0:21:47)
DEBUG: Code 10551303 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:213142496
DEBUG: Code 0 at Uh]:+23!&7+/M:Zj:121274998
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29394229
CellWalk algorithm failed (structure protection is too tough?), trying CellTrim algorithm
Cells 1-32 were removed from title start
Cells 39-50 were removed from title end
Title #6 was added (6 cell(s), 0:21:49)
Title #7 has length of 109 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Cells 1-10 were removed from title start
Cells 32-43 were removed from title end
DEBUG: Code 8220 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:213133158
DEBUG: Code 8221 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 11767 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:213133158
DEBUG: Code 11768 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 13740 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 15208 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 17201 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 19028 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 19852 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
Title #8 was added (21 cell(s), 0:23:40)
Title #9 was added (8 cell(s), 0:06:10)
Title #10 was added (5 cell(s), 0:02:34)
Title #11 has length of 66 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #12 has length of 52 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #13 has length of 102 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #14 was added (3 cell(s), 0:10:58)
Title #15 was added (2 cell(s), 0:05:41)
Title #16 was added (2 cell(s), 0:05:18)
Title #17 has length of 6 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #18 has length of 6 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #19 has length of 9 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Cells 1-55 were removed from title start
DEBUG: Code 491305 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 491305 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:213136631
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:121273457
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29406580
Title #20/0/1 (0:22:56) was skipped due to navigation error
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Cells 1-55 were removed from title start
DEBUG: Code 491305 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 491305 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29399473
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:121273457
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29406580
Title #21/0/1 (0:22:56) was skipped due to navigation error
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Cells 1-55 were removed from title start
DEBUG: Code 491305 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 491305 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29399473
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:121273457
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29406580
Title #23/0/1 (0:22:56) was skipped due to navigation error
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Cells 1-55 were removed from title start
DEBUG: Code 491305 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 491305 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:213136631
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:121273457
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29406580
Title #24/0/1 (0:22:56) was skipped due to navigation error
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Cells 1-55 were removed from title start
DEBUG: Code 515956 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 515956 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29399473
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:121273457
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29406580
Title #25/0/1 (0:22:56) was skipped due to navigation error
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Cells 1-55 were removed from title start
DEBUG: Code 515956 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 0 at =i?(7|*yOiuICARv:29393470
DEBUG: Code 117571637 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:213130927
DEBUG: Code 515956 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29399473
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:121273457
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29406580
Title #26/0/1 (0:22:56) was skipped due to navigation error
Cells 2-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Cells 1-55 were removed from title start
DEBUG: Code 491305 at K%uJ<B3LaT"*O>:121264993
DEBUG: Code 491305 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:213136631
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:121273457
DEBUG: Code 0 at ~1M%<y[*P/$4ES88s5:29406580
Title #28/0/1 (0:22:56) was skipped due to navigation error
Operation successfully completed
Saving 1 titles into directory /Users/Anders/Downloads/output
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB' at offset '16578560'
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk3' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk3' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk3' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk3' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Posix error - Input/output error' occurred while reading '/dev/rdisk3' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 1073741829 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 100864256 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 100864256 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 100864256 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 100864256 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 100864256 at 9_#{XGj37[()Y_5fCI:29394758
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_06_1.VOB' at offset '16578560'
DEBUG: Code 0 at gX}^[rm5WeEp7^O B7mv:29395011
DEBUG: Code 0 at COjpg({W_dG_AcPef.i:213129915
DEBUG: Code 0 at gX}^[rm5WeEp7^O B7mv:29394459
DEBUG: Code 8095 at gX}^[rm5WeEp7^O B7mv:29393286
DEBUG: Code 0 at Q)pXG>?E;ih^Q@tc!A^:29396046
DEBUG: Code 0 at 6b/-DB,nS'9FprO^{":q":213136608
DEBUG: Code 0 at 6b/-DB,nS'9FprO^{":q":213136608
LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
Failed to save title 1 to file /Users/Anders/Downloads/output/Seinfeld - Season 9 (Disc 2)_t01.mkv
Encountered 11 errors of type 'Read Error' - see
0 titles saved, 1 failed

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