Title missing in writing process

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Title missing in writing process

Post by gcvdp »

I seem to be getting an error in writing the MKV files. I am losing one title in the writing process. Here is the log:

Operation successfully completed
Saving 3 titles into directory /Users/gilbert/Movies/MakeMKV Collection
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB' at offset '572461056'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB' at offset '588222464'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB' at offset '588451840'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB' at offset '588582912'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:UNRECOVERED READ ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB' at offset '588582912'
Failed to save title 2 to file /Users/gilbert/Movies/MakeMKV Collection/title02.mkv
2 titles saved, 1 failed
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Re: Title missing in writing process

Post by Woodstock »

There are sections of the disk that your drive cannot read. MakeMKV can't work around hardware problems.

First thing to try is cleaning (and maybe waxing) the disk.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:18 pm

Re: Title missing in writing process

Post by gcvdp »

Thank you, Woodstock.
Posts: 12
Joined: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:01 am

Re: Title missing in writing process

Post by docbill »

Some programs can however sucessfully skip errors. I find sometimes, non-recoverable errors are so short of a brief clip, that I don't mind just skipping them. Sometimes, they are more significant, but it still nice to be able to extract the rest of the video.

For example, my "What Dreams May Come" has an unreadable section. It is what I consider a rather important part of the movie. So I used DVD shrink to set start and ends so I could capture all the video before the error and after as two separate files. I then found a version of the same movie on the internet. At the time, Canadian law allowed me to download items I already owned, so I legally downloaded the video and extracted just the time sequence I needed. The extract clip was not as high of quality as I normally I encode at, but it was good enough to splice everything together and get a watchable copy... Another one that comes to mind with the same problem was the Rocky and Bullwinkle movie.

In regards to blu-ray, my Doctor Who complete series 1 -7 limited edition blu-ray set has the same type of problem in Series 4, for two of my favorite episodes. My wife gave me the collection for Christmas, and I noticed the problem by New Years. But the place where she bought it, Costco no longer stocked the collection, so I have no way to exchange the defective disk. By some miracle I managed to extract all the videos on my first attempt with DVDFab, but I used the wrong encoding settings and over-compressed. All subsiquent attempts have errored out. So I converted what I have into watchable copies, but I am fairly certain someday I'll upgrade my TV to something larger and then I'll notice I'll notice the artificats from over-compression on those two episodes. I don't think it is legal to download in Canada anymore, but in this case I already have the copy I will be splicing from, it will just be an issue of finding a program that allows me to capture the rest, despite the errors. I would love it if that program was makeMKV.


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