Failed to open disc

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Failed to open disc

Post by greatquills »

Just downloaded makemkv and it failed to open the disc. The error information was as following:
MakeMKV v1.15.1 win(x64-release) started
Downloading latest SDF to C:
Automatic SDF downloading is disabled or failed.
Using direct disc access mode
Downloading latest SDF to C:
Automatic SDF downloading is disabled or failed.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #0 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #1 does not match one in IFO header.
IFO file for VTS #1 is corrupt, VOB file must be scanned. This may take very long time, please be patient.
Failed to open disc

What is the problem?
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Re: Failed to open disc

Post by Woodstock »

The inability to download the SDF file should be addressed, but it does not affect DVD operation.

What is a problem is that your drive cannot read parts of the disk itself; usually this is because of contamination on the disk, or even scratches. Cleaning the disk is your first step.
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Re: Failed to open disc

Post by neo305 »

i ripped my first 4k disc, now any disc i insert makemkv say " No Disc" after loading
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Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:21 pm

Re: Failed to open disc

Post by Woodstock »

"No disk" means the operating system doesn't see the disk change.

If you close MakeMKV and restart it, does the disk load? Can you access the disk directories using Explorer?
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Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2020 10:33 pm

Re: Failed to open disc

Post by neo305 »

I got it. Apparently plugging back in my burner it updates it so I had to flash it again. Any idea how to avoid it doing that again?
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