Region 2 DVD won't unlock

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Region 2 DVD won't unlock

Post by Poppun »

Hello, for the past few days I've been using MakeMKV to back up some of my Region 2 DVDs on my computer but I've come across one that just won't open. I'm not sure why this is happening since the other discs from the set saved without any problem with the exception of a few that had small scratches on them (which I'm getting re-finished) but this one appears to be fine. I know sometimes the software takes a while to scan discs from other regions but with the ones that wouldn't scan I waited until I got a message saying the software failed to open it and I've tried everything I could think of: I tried inserting the disc both before starting the software and after, I made sure it was set to "Run as administrator" mode I even tried adjusting the minimum duration it scanned for in case the larger number of special features on the disc were the problem so it would only scan the main feature and it still won't open.

The DVD was made 13 years ago so the encrypting technology should be covered, not to mention it would be strange to have heavier security on one disc in the set than all the others and I know somebody managed to get their copy to open up at one point since when I was looking the series up I found a neglected torrent for it that had come from the same set (it had scans of the box listed among the files). It also plays fine on my region free DVD player, so I don't think the disc is the problem.

Is there anything else I can try to get it to open? It's the last few episodes in the series and I'd really like to back up the whole thing.
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Re: Region 2 DVD won't unlock

Post by cherishjoo »

I suggest you to attach the log file so people here can be of better help!
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Re: Region 2 DVD won't unlock

Post by preserve »

I suggest you mention specifically what the disc is, since others may have the same disc.
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Re: Region 2 DVD won't unlock

Post by Woodstock »

Unless MakeMKV reported "disk uses region coding that cannot be bypassed" (something like that; haven't seen it in a long time), it is not likely to be a region coding problem. I regularly open "out of region" DVDs and BDs, and you've said disks from the same set opened.

As mentioned, logs would be helpful here, so the exact error messages can be looked at. The FAQ link in my signature tells how to enable debug logging, if you don't already have it turned on.
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Re: Region 2 DVD won't unlock

Post by Poppun »

Alright, I've been away from my computer and will be for the next few days but here is a screen capture after I tried to back up just the main feature and the entire disc; it's "Piccolino no Bouken" disc 13

Thank you
MKV1.jpg (374.37 KiB) Viewed 12182 times
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