need to rip 2000 dvds and need a quick way to do it

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need to rip 2000 dvds and need a quick way to do it

Post by t1aimen »

need to rip 2000 dvd for where work

have tried using 4 pc's but its too slow.

anyone got any tips that might help me out with mass ripping and maybe automatically ripping when i put in and when its done i just put in another one and it will automatically start ripping
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Re: need to rip 2000 dvds and need a quick way to do it

Post by Woodstock »

Ripping disks takes time. Longer when there are hard-to-read parts to the disk.

"Faster" means more hardware. Some of us use multiple drives on a single PC, although more disks means more tracking where things need to be changed. Someone here is typing about "only" being able to put 16 drives on a single computer, though, because MakeMKV isn't seeing the extras (he has 25).
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