Encoding taking hours lately

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Encoding taking hours lately

Post by coutta1 »

Not sure if it is the lastest versions or if something else has changed, but encoding regular Blu-ray to MKV has started taking longer lately. A normal Blu-ray encode used to take my Windows 7 machine about 30 minutes or so to work...nothing has changed on my system except for updating to latest version of MakeMKV but for instance doing the Blu-ray for Turbo took almost 5 hours. I downloaded an older version of MakeMKV that I knew to be more stable on my system, but it seemed like it too was going to take forever. Do some Blu-rays just take this long to encode? Could something else have happened?
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Re: Encoding taking hours lately

Post by crowfax »

Could be the quality of the disc, or perhaps your drive is starting to fail and these are the symptoms of that.

Hard to tell unless you can narrow it down to when it happens precisely.
Home Theater PC: Assassin HTPC, XBMCbuntu 12.0 (Frodo), Intel i5 3570k 3.4 GHz Ivy Bridge w/ HD 4000, LG BD-ROM
Playback Devices: Mede8er MED600X3D, MyGica EnjoyTV 120, Xtreamer SideWinder 3, Crystal Acoustics MediaMatchBox
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Re: Encoding taking hours lately

Post by Woodstock »

Adding to what crowfax said, I just ripped a 4-disk DVD set that took 45 minutes per disk. Same drive and computer had done several other disks, including BD and DVD, at 2 to 3 times that speed. The quality of the disk can have a serious impact on the reading speed.
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