The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

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The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by GiorgioML »

The Wild Geese, italian version, converted with MakeMKV v.1.8.4 (profile WDTV): if the file is played with Western Digital TV Live, show one discontinuity every second, looks like a short freezing. There seems to be a problem with framerate. The Western Digital TV Live is set to run at the framerate of the movie. HDMI output is connected to a video projector Epson HD.
No problem if the mkv file is played using the personal computer on the monitor.
The original bluray played on a bluray player (with the same video projector) has no problems.
Other films converted so far run regularly with Western Digital TV Live.
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Re: The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by Woodstock »

What are you using to feed the WDTV? Is it the same network source used by the computer?
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Re: The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by GiorgioML »

Usb hard disk. No speed problem. All other files with high bitrate, are correctly reproduced.
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Re: The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by Chetwood »

Check the official forum for 24p playback bug (can't remember the post's title). Apparently remuxing to m2ts helps.
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Re: The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by doncht »

Just to isolate the issue. Try saving it on the HDD and see if it still behaves the same. USB is not really that fast when compared to data from HDD. Just an opinion though.
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Re: The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by angelgraves13 »

If the sound is LPCM, you'll run into issues. Either convert the sound to FLAC or to DTS-HD MA (to keep it lossless).
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Re: The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by GiorgioML »

The sound is DTS. Two tracks.
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Re: The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by GiorgioML »

The original file m2ts ripped to hard disk from original bluray (00017.m2ts) is played correctly by WD TV Live. At this point the problem is the convertion from bluray to mkv with MakeMKV.
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Re: The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by ndjamena »

More likely it's yet another bug with the way the WD TV Live handles Matroska. I just spent two days on the WD forum and in that time I diagnosed two specific problems with the WD TV Live SMP and MKVs. The first was that 6.1 DTS-MA doesn't bit-stream (possibly because they have DTS-ES cores) and the second is distortion in 24 bit FLAC in MKV, which apparently has been plaguing the thing for months with no one figuring it out (24 bit FLAC plays fine in a .flac container, but not in an .mka). You've possibly stumbled across yet another MKV issue, unfortunately I'm sick to death of the WD forum already and don't care. On the bright side, some time soon when you download a new version of MediaInfo and point it at a 6.1 DTS-MA file it may actually mention that the Core is DTS-ES, which up to this point would have remained a mystery!
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Re: The Wild Geese, mkv not work properly on WD TV Live.

Post by Chetwood »

ndjamena wrote:unfortunately I'm sick to death of the WD forum already and don't care.
Why, what happened? Given the fact that WD added DTS-MA passthrough it was only natural they messed up something, every firmware so far has.
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