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MKV playback out of sequence

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:13 pm
I just bought the movie TIN TIN and am ripping it to my HD to play via a media player.

when i run makeMKV i get 20 titles that say "The adventures of TIN TIN: 17 chapters"

Of course i picked the 1st one and during play back the chapters are all out of sequence.

I did a bit of googling and come to find now that this is what some studios are doing to prevent copying of the movie...just becomes a HUGE PITA as the movie play back perfectly..except the chapter sequence.

Somehow the DVD player knows which sequence to play it all.....but my VLC media player doesnt.

Besides a 1 in 20 chance of picking the right title to copy, is there any other way around this?

Re: MKV playback out of sequence

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:11 pm
FYI...Title number 22 is the one you need. BELOW
I discovered this by selecting each title and looking at the description on the side.

Name: The Adventures of Tintin
Source title ID: 22
Angle: 1
Duration: 1:46:39
Chapters count: 16
Segment count: 5
Segment map: 1,2,4-5,(6,8),10-23
File name: The_Adventures_of_Tintin_t20.mkv

EVERY OTHER TITLE displayed the followign info .....

Title information
Name: The Adventures of Tintin
Source title ID: 28
Angle: 1
Duration: 1:40:17
Chapters count: 17
Segment count: 19
Segment map: 1,2,4,5,(6,8),10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23
File name: The_Adventures_of_Tintin_t26.mkv

Note the difference in the segment map. Its a slight difference but different none the less,it was the only one that dislayed like this so i selected Title ID22 to burn first on a whim. Sure enough that was the correct one. The movie now plays in the correct Sequence on my media player!

In a nutshell i have ripped all my movies to TB hard drive and play them via a western digital media plater (WD TV LIve) it plays the MKV files flawlessly. My kids havent put a disc in a player in over a year now!