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Hold my hand a bit?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:58 am
by N49ATV
Hey guys and gals,

Im new to the ripping/encoding scene. I am tired of the son wrecking his DVDs. I have had to mail quiet a few away over the last few years. From the wifes cheap headrest DVD players in the car, to him opening his DVD player in his room.

He has a 40" LCD in his room (till we get a new place, that will go in play room). Its a Samsung LN40C540. Here is the Manual on page 26, it shows the format the internal decoder will play. What im after is to rip his blu-rays onto his 1TB HDD, and onto my 3TB MyBookLive (and upgrade to wifi stick for his TV), so that we can watch his DVDs direct through his Media Play feature on his TV. A welder buddy of mine does this with his kids TV.

Im looking for some direction, Id like to rip just the movie (from say dreamworks to credits), with no subs, to the drive. Id like to keep it at around BR quality image (1080), and keep 5.1 surround (for when I purchase myself a new TV for the theater room in the next house). Id like the target size to be around 10GB, though storage isnt a real issue. Worst case I buy a few more MBLs. But even at 10GB, or 25GB (whole movie, full quality) thats still quiet a few per 1TB. He only has maybe 20 movies total. Im not looking to convert my library (though im sure I will in time).

So where do I start? Is make MKV what I need? Handbrake? AnyDVD HD? Something else?

Thanks for your time

Re: Hold my hand a bit?

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:31 am
by Smithcraft
Hello there!

If you have a target size, then that will add more steps.

The first step is the rip the movie with MakeMKV. For Blurays, this file can be any size from a 3GB(smallest movie I know of) to 45GB(largest movie I know of). For DVDs the maximum would be 9GB for a feature that fills one disc.

This will give you a file that will be as identical to the original as options you selected when you ripped it.

If you need to transcode, then Handbrake is an excellent option to do what you want after ripping with MakeMKV.


Re: Hold my hand a bit?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 2:56 am
by N49ATV
So as I rip this with MKV, can I change the quality (not that I really want to), and also remove all subtitles and other languages, all I want is start of movie (from after "play" on top menu, to credits). I dont need anything else.

How do I know which M2TS file to rip?

Re: Hold my hand a bit?

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:12 am
by Smithcraft
Well, you can look at the running time for each item with MakeMKV, and pick the ones that you want.

Some movies with seemless branching can get pretty out of control. You might wanna think about which one you want before you rip 90GBs.

You can change the quality and still have a great picture with a transcoding program like Handbrake. MakeMKV only rips the streams from the disc and puts them into a matroska container. From the selection screen you can pick which other items you want, from everything to nothing other than the video stream.

There will be no menu - you will just have a file that will be the feature that you ripped.


Re: Hold my hand a bit?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:10 pm
by Twowit2woo
N49ATV wrote:So as I rip this with MKV, can I change the quality (not that I really want to), and also remove all subtitles and other languages, all I want is start of movie (from after "play" on top menu, to credits). I dont need anything else.

How do I know which M2TS file to rip?

This is more-or-less exactly what I do. I have converted my entire DVD and Blu-Ray collection onto my NAS. I'm only interested in the main movie with no subs.

When MakeMKV has finished examining the disc, the most logical track to select for a film is simply the largest with the most chapters.

Sometimes there may be two, or more, of these. I ripped The Inbetweeners the other day and this had two identical selections on it. When I stuck it in my PS3 to have a look, it did indeed have two copies of the movie - the original and some other cut. I just went with the first in the list.

I select the first in the list of audio and de-select all subs. This then outputs one file for me (which is rather large!)

I then use Freemake to downsample it (it's free - google it!) I always set a bitrate of 8000kbps (for me personally this makes no visible difference to the quality although everyone's eyesight is different!)

I end up with a filezise around 8GB.

Re: Hold my hand a bit?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:18 am
by N49ATV
Well between MakeMKV, AnyDVD HD, and handbrake, im slowly winning.

I ripped Rio the other night, it looks great, stripped everything out, just movie, and passthru DTS, and it came out around 5GB for 1080P. Cant tell the difference.

Now im working on Cars 2, its being a bit more trouble as it has some different protection, but im encoding it as we speak.

Encode time isnt too bad, full movies at 1080P, in about 2 hours. Seems like a valid reason for running my 2500K @ 4.4