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Angle-1 vs Angle-2 (Jackie Brown dvd)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:10 am
by SarasotaSlim
I've been ripping/transcoding movie-DVDs for a year or so
(mostly, to broadcast on Veetle)

Most every rip-tool I've played with, has seemingly been separating
what I refer to as 'the wheat from the chaff'.

i.e. I want just the movie itself (a series of 'chapters' or title-sets
or whatever they're called).

So now I'm playing with 'makeMKV' (and loving it so far!).
When I run makeMKV, when it finishes scanning all the title-sets,
I've then been 'unchecking' all the small-sized titles-lines, leaving
just the first line (the one usually containing all the chapters of the movie).

[I've been assuming this is way to grab just the movie itself, and skip
all the trailers of upcoming movies, and stuff about how the movie
was made, etc, etc]

That seemed 'safe' until tonite, when makeMKV scanned my copy
of the movie 'Jackie Brown':
In this case, the first TWO lines appeared as:
26-chapter(s), 3.7 GB (angle 1)
23-chapter(s), 3.7 GB (angle 2)
[also saw some new 'complex multiplex encountered' msgs in the lower panel]

(The total rip-time was much higher, about 45 mins, from what is usually 10-15 mins.)

Anyone understand what this angle 1 and angle 2 stuff is all about?


Re: Angle-1 vs Angle-2 (Jackie Brown dvd)

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:43 pm
by VideoWolf
Angles can vary greatly depending on the title. I have seen movies listing up to 3 diff angles. Angles are mostly used to incorporate "slightly different versions" of a movie on a single disc without actually having to incorporate 2 full separate versions.

Examples: Angle 1 may be theatrical release, Angle 2 might be Directors cut. In movies where they are identical in size, such as Disneys "Chicken Little" Angle 1, all the writing on the signs in the movie are English, Angle 2, there in french, Angle 3, there in Spanish. Unfortunately, there is no real way to know what the angles are in your movie unless you do some research on it, or rip both angles, & watch them to see if there any differences (annoyingly time consuming). Or slip the movie into your DVD player & play with that seldom used angle button & see what happens.

Re: Angle-1 vs Angle-2 (Jackie Brown dvd)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:37 am
by SarasotaSlim
Thx for that, VideoWolf!

(Silly me...thought maybe they meant 'camera angles'.)

You answer really makes some sense. Kind of like having both
the original version, plus a directors-cut, both on the single DVD.
I like that!

Re: Angle-1 vs Angle-2 (Jackie Brown dvd)

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:36 pm
by Waltthizzney510
well once they were diff versions on was a commentary from directors and one was movie but i check the times when they are the same times meaning what could they have added if its the same time i usually go with the one that takes more memory why because i feel like it has somthing to do with the audio or quality of it but if its the same time length with the same memory i just go with the first angle thinking its the original if you look at the differences some of them do not have the same hapters some chapters are missing compared to the other when you scroll over or highlight the angles so i still dont know the answers but that is my experience with them