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BlueRay ripped by MKV not shown correctly in Fantec Media Pl

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:45 pm
by madler555
HI guys,

i am new in this forum.
I would like to buy the tool but i have a severe problem with it.
When i r?pped DVD with MKV then i can put them on my NAS Server and see them over Fantec Media Player. All fine.
But it is impossible to see a Blue Ray ripped by MKV Maker. It's bucking, time delay between sound and picture etc.
Even when i take this ripped (about 20 to 27 GB) to my Laptop and try to see them with VLC Player mostly the same.
My Buffalo Media player shown non neither DVD mkv nor BlueRay mkv.

Anybody knows something?
Some Ideas?
Network was the preffered error from Fantec hotline, but i have taken my Server (with 1GB Lan Card) direct to a 1GB Switch and only Fantec together and it does not work.
So from my point of view it must be something different.
Did anybody have some experiance with Fantec?
Which Freeware Player on Windows 7 you take for playing BlueRay?

Re: BlueRay ripped by MKV not shown correctly in Fantec Medi

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:18 pm
by madler555
Hi same reply as from hotline, but unfortunately from my point of view it cannot be the network.
Both Switch and Server has 1GB Network and only Fantec has 100MB.
Server can be uploaded from 5 different PC's with each 20GB files. It runs very fast.
To test that shitty bucking i have only taken my Server and Fantec togetter nothing else not Internet nothing.
And still bucking.
What software do you take for creating MKV's from BlueRay?
I think it could be that something missing or pattern MKVmaker takes are not installed on Fantec.

Re: BlueRay ripped by MKV not shown correctly in Fantec Medi

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:20 pm
by madler555
forget to say OS is Windows XP performed for beeing NAS :-)

Re: BlueRay ripped by MKV not shown correctly in Fantec Medi

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:56 pm
by Romansh
What about actually taking the network completely out of the equation by playing the ripped MKV from a USB key or USB hard drive? Or does your player not feature USB ports?

Re: BlueRay ripped by MKV not shown correctly in Fantec Medi

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:18 pm
by madler555
Hi Thanks
no it's bucking also but not so much as over Network.
Same situation i have with VLC as i have on my laptop.

Re: BlueRay ripped by MKV not shown correctly in Fantec Medi

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:19 pm
by madler555
When i start network monitor on my XP server then it tells me about 2,5 to 3% network traffic.

Re: BlueRay ripped by MKV not shown correctly in Fantec Medi

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:21 am
by Icanseestars
If the movie is stuttering even over USB on your media player I do not think the Fantec can handle the bit-rate from Blu-ray's.

The other thing is make sure you take only regular AC3 or DTS audio track when ripping as many media players cannot handle the Blu-ray TrueHD or DTS-MA audio tracks but if you have already done that then I think it is the media player, what model of Fantec is it ?

Re: BlueRay ripped by MKV not shown correctly in Fantec Medi

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:32 pm
by madler555


it must be the Player but i cannot verify it.
And so no solution at all.

But it seams nobody else has these kind of problems.