Encode MKV to ProRes with Multiple Tracks on Big Sur

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Encode MKV to ProRes with Multiple Tracks on Big Sur

Post by edpro »

Apologies if this is a repeat topic.

I have been using Brorsoft Video Convertor to convert MKV files to ProRes with multi channel audio. The audio works great with FLAC.

viewtopic.php?f=10&t=19067&p=71678&hili ... oft#p71678

Video Convertor is a 32 bit app, not qualified for Big Sur. I see lots of apps with similar looking interfaces and graphics as that one. Any recommendations for an app that converts to ProRes and Dnx for Avid with embedded 5.1 or 7.1 split audio tracks? In other words, the newer, better version of Brorsoft Video Convertor that's qualified for 64 bit?
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Re: Encode MKV to ProRes with Multiple Tracks on Big Sur

Post by Woodstock »

Handbrake is a 64-bit application, and they do have "Production" presets intended for use with ProRes.

The suitability will depend a lot on what you mean by "Multi-channel audio", since handbrake won't merge one-channel tracks into a multi-channel track, but it will allow multiple tracks.
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Re: Encode MKV to ProRes with Multiple Tracks on Big Sur

Post by edpro »

Thanks Woodstock! I'm looking into Handbrake now. Under the video tab I do see export settings for H264 and MPEG 4 (and others), but I don't see any for ProRes. So I guess with me not being very well versed in encoding I don't understand what you mean by 'intended for use with ProRes'. Generally Avid editing has troubles with H264 that it does not have with ProRes for some reason.

Under the Audio tab: I'm not really expert enough to understand the choices under the 'Codec' pulldown menu. For the 'Mixdown' tab I see a choice for '5.1 Channels'. I'll explore the documentation.

The end state I'm looking for is a ProRes HQ file, with discreet channels of uncompressed audio for stereo music, dialogue and efx (not necessarily all populated) and also, the ability turn subtitles on and off. With the Brorsoft product I was able to select both ProRes and Flac, and control the subtitles (but not always).

Interestingly I wrote to Brorsoft weeks ago and they just got back with me yesterday with quick message that they're working on a new version--no other details.
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Re: Encode MKV to ProRes with Multiple Tracks on Big Sur

Post by Woodstock »

I don't do video production so I can't say from experience, but I've read that the ProRes "native" format is proprietary and there are no free programs that export that. But the production presets will create h264 files that ProRes can use.
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