Keep Audio-Tracks syncron

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Keep Audio-Tracks syncron

Post by -ghost- »


I have a movie 2x (1x 4k BluRay with DD+ sound and 1x BluRay with DTS-HD sound).

Now I would like to operate the DTS-HD sound into the 4k stream, which is stored on my NAS.
I have already done this successfully with other movies that had exactly the same running length with MKVToolNix.

Now it is so that with some films from the StarWars series the running times differ by up to 2 seconds - this will be somewhere in the pre- and/or end credits, since as far as I know only the image mastering was changed, but additional scenes / images were not integrated (the UHD running time is longer).

What software can I use to get the offset out or to take an overlay of the audio tracks (.mka format) to get the differece and have it in sync in the final stream?
I don't really need a graphical output for the offset of the audio tracks; it would be fine for me if the program would just give me the miliseconds.

By eye and trial and error it is quite difficult.

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Re: Keep Audio-Tracks syncron

Post by Woodstock »

Because the differences are variable, the "correct" way would be to use a video editor that allows you to move audio tracks around.
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Re: Keep Audio-Tracks syncron

Post by -ghost- »

Hi Woodstock,

thanks for the answer.

Can you give me an advise, which editing-software are able to handle such audio-tracks (DD+ and DTS-HD) ?

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Re: Keep Audio-Tracks syncron

Post by Woodstock »

I do not do video editing, so I have no insights on what to use. I've seen recommendations for the free version of DaVinci Resolve over on the handbrake forum, but that's the best I can offer.
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